How to install IntraWeb 16 on Lazarus

IntraWeb 16 has been released and it includes Lazarus/FPC support.

A few notes:

  • Versions 3.4 (from FpcDeluxe) and 3.6/3.8 (Official) are supported from IntraWeb 16.0.1 (IntraWeb 16.0.0 supports 3.4 and 3.6 only)
  • Free Pascal Compiler 3.2.2 is supported, x64 (x86_64-win64 target only)
  • Linux targets are not supported at the moment. It’s in our roadmap and being developed.

Supported Lazarus IDEs:

3.6 or 3.8 Official release, x86_64-win64:

Direct download link:

Version 3.8:

Version 3.6:

3.4 FpcDeluxe release, x86_64-win64:

Direct download link:

Note: Binary compatibility is as important in Lazarus as in Delphi. Different versions likely won’t be compatible due to changes in the underlying LCL interface.

Here’s how to install it:

  • Run the IntraWeb installer and select the last option Lazarus 3.6/3.8 (Official) or Lazarus 3.4 (FpcDeluxe) / FPC 3.2.2
  • If you have a valid IntraWeb 15 or 16 license, paste it when required, at the end of the installation process. If no license is provided, IntraWeb will still work, in evaluation mode. Evaluation mode allows you to created, develop, run and debug IntraWeb applications as usual. Some restrictions apply, though.



  • After installation, the setup will create a LibLazarus folder, containing 4 other subfolders:


  • Open Lazarus and choose:
    Package -> Open Package File:


  • Open file dclintraweb_16_lazarus.lpk inside the folder that corresponds to your Lazarus IDE version (3.4, 3.6 or 3.8).
  • Then select: Use -> Install as shown in the figure below:


  • The Lazarus IDE will be recompiled and after installation, you will have a new IntraWeb Application project type available:


  • You will also see the IntraWeb component palettes: