What’s New
- New component IWIPGeolocationClient. Allows access to 6 different public Web services/APIs that provide information about the geolocation of a given IP address. New interfaces can be easily created and registered. Demo coming soon.
- New jQGrid event OnAsyncColumnResize(), triggered each time a column is resized by the end-user on the browser. It allows keeping the column model in sync with user settings
- New property “DelayKeyEvents” for TIWEdit, TIWDBEdit, TIWMemo, TIWDBMemo. When true, all async key events (OnAsyncKeyDown, OnAsyncKeyUp, and OnAsyncKeyPress) will trigger only once when there is a long pause in typing (a few hundred ms), instead of triggering once for each key pressed. This allows more flexibility when using these events to handle user input without flooding the server with hundreds of async calls when the user is typing. Default is False.
- New ServerController.SSLOptions.SetOpenSSLPath. When True, OpenSSL libraries will be loaded from the same folder where the application is (Indy servers and also Indy clients relying on TIWHttpIndyClient class – e.g. IWReCaptcha, IWGeolocationClient)
- New HTTP methods Put and Delete implemented in TIWHttpIndyClient class. Several other enhancements
- New options in IWSelect:
- soSelectOnClose: selects the current item when Combobox is closed)
- soScrollAfterSelect (If true, resolves an issue for multi-selects using closeOnSelect: false that caused the list of results to scroll to the first selection after each select/unselect – see Select2 documentation for more details).
- New property SelectMaxSelectionCount (limit the maximum number of selections when multi-select is enabled)
- New MimeType mp4 included in TIWMimeTypes
- New method TIWForm.AsyncReload(const aForceReload: Boolean), forces the browser to reload the form (new request/rendering will follow)
- New & enhanced setup program. Setup now includes also DCUs built without Debug information ({$DEBUGINFO OFF}). This allows developers to debug IntraWeb applications without the source code while avoiding IDE popups to load IntraWeb source files. Regular DCUs are installed into a folder named LibDxxxx where xxxx is the IDE identifier. The new DCUs without debug information are installed into a subfolder named Debug (under LibDxxxx parent folder).
Bug fixes
- Projects built as x64 could raise INVALID_HANDLE error messages when working with IW cache (rare)
- Fix Input (type=password) CSS for IW built-in styles
- IWjQGrid and IWjQDBGrid anchors should work correctly now (allow the grid to be correctly resized with the page). Setting grid sizes during async request work correctly without forcing the grid to be rendered again.
- Fixes unhandled exception in IWForm’s OnRender event could cause a secondary AV exception
- Fixes AV when IWBSButton is parented to IWGrid cell
- Indy code dealing with OpenSSL was enhanced (removed some unnecessary use of critical sections, error handling, etc.)
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