(01-21-2019, 01:26 PM)kudzu Wrote: Evaluation versions have several limits to prevent people from deploying. If not, then people would deploy and not buy licenses, and there would be no $$$ to pay the developers.
It sounds like you have a bundled license installed rather than eval.
If you run any SA demo or app, can you copy the text from the debug log? It contains info about which license type is being used.
HI and thanks for your reply.
Here's the run log from Delphi:
My IntraWeb Application (Indy - x86)
Evaluation Mode
Reason: License not found
IntraWeb Version: 15.0.16
Build Date: Nov 22, 2018
32-bit Server on 64-bit Windows
HTTP Server is active on port: 8888
I try to run the isapi dll from my test server as follows: where the dll is in c:\inetput\wwwroot.
Doing this yields the following:
Error message: ISAPI is not available in your license.
Depending on the error condition, it might be possible to restart the application.
In order to restart the application, please click the link below:
Click here to restart MyApp
Please note that depending on the actual exception that occured, restarting the application might not be possible. If this is the case, please report the error message to the administrator.
Error details:
Exception message : ISAPI is not available in your license.
Exception class : EIWException
Exception address : 0990EDC6
Exception Time : 2019-01-21 08:59:28.547
Application Name : project10.dll
Application Version:
Started at : 2019-01-21 08:59:08.679
Running for : 19 seconds
Computer Name : ASPC-TESTDB
Compiler Version : 320
IntraWeb Version : 15.0.16
Multi-session : False
Content Path : C:\inetpub\wwwroot\wwwroot\
Session count : 0
Client IP address :
Request PathInfo :
Request Method : GET
Request User Agent : Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
Cookies Count : 0
(002EDDC1){project10.dll} [0990EDC1] IWServer.TIWServer.StartupChecks (Line 479, "IWServer.pas" + 36) + $11
(002EEBBE){project10.dll} [0990FBBE] IWServer.TIWServer.Execute (Line 691, "IWServer.pas" + 8) + $3
(002FC7D3){project10.dll} [0991D7D3] IWServerSession.HttpExecute$qqrpuci (Line 92, "IWServerSession.pas" + 2) + $3
(002E9794){project10.dll} [0990A794] IW.ISAPI.Extension.Isapi.Extension.TIWIsapiExtension.ExecuteHook (Line 286, "IW.ISAPI.Extension.pas" + 4) + $C
(002E95A8){project10.dll} [0990A5A8] IW.ISAPI.Extension.Isapi.Extension.TIWIsapiExtension.HandleRequest (Line 264, "IW.ISAPI.Extension.pas" + 5) + $13
(00301C90){project10.dll} [09922C90] IWInitISAPI.HttpExtensionProc$qqsr38Winapi.Isapi2.TEXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK (Line 224, "IWInitISAPI.pas" + 9) + $3
I know I'm screwing up somewhere. I've tried following all of the documentation as to how to deploy isapi dll's, but I always come back to this.
Thanks in advance,