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New Indy Forums!
The problem with uploading is that we would have to scrub it as ti has usernames, passwords, emails etc... and with GDPR breathing down our necks we'd have to review everything with a fine tooth comb.
(03-12-2018, 10:02 PM)kudzu Wrote: As the Embarcadero forums are unreliable and often offline for long periods of time, we have created web forums for Indy.

From this recent post on Embarcadero's Community Forums:

Quote:Unfortunately I have it on good authority that the old forums are definitely gone and not coming back. It was taking up too much time to constantly fix. They are aware people have a big dislike for the community forums but it is all they have available at this point in time.

I cannot confirm this, though  Sad  Cry  Angry

Update: sadly, I can now confirm it. From Marco Cantu himself:

Quote:The information is correct. Decision is from marketing, but also due to technical reason (the engine is old unstable, and noone can really fix it) and the huge amount of spam we kept getting criticized for. We didn't turn it off, but I understand no one wants to put in the effort to get it back

There is a new community forum in the works (the current one, no one likes) and hopefully it will be good. There has even been some discussion to make it support NNTP -- but I sort of doubt.

Luckily I have a cached copy of the Borland/Codegear/Embarcadero forums in my NNTP reader dating back to 2004-2004.
Some holes remain when Embarcadero crashed their servers and I had to start over with a new instance.
Not updated frequently in the last few years though.
(05-17-2018, 09:53 PM)BosseB Wrote: Luckily I have a cached copy of the Borland/Codegear/Embarcadero forums in my NNTP reader dating back to 2004-2004.

That's good for you, not so good for the rest of us who don't have such caches. I've had to change NNTP readers several times over the years.

(05-17-2018, 07:34 PM)kudzu Wrote: The problem with uploading is that we would have to scrub it as ti has usernames, passwords, emails etc... and with GDPR breathing down our necks we'd have to review everything with a fine tooth comb.

Are user credentials not encrypted in the DB? I would hope they are. On the other hand, if the DB were attached to a live phpBB server, those users would have their accounts back in working order again Wink

Im sure they are hashed, but it would allow dictionary attacks against it. And with GDPR, who knows what else is in that DB. Certainly emails etc.

PHP will never go on our Windows server again in a server role. We have a new *nix server for PHP but someone would have to take the time to get PHPBB running there and up and running with the old DB etc. I think it would be better to see if there is a way to import PHPBB to MyBB.

Re NNTP - That would be great to put online......
(05-18-2018, 02:32 PM)kudzu Wrote: I think it would be better to see if there is a way to import PHPBB to MyBB.

Did you see my earlier message about that?

Missed it. Just saw it now. Now we just need someone to do it...
I'm having very tricky difficulties with TidImap4 to access the gmail IMAP server, so I really really wish to search the old forum posts for hints and helps...
Maybe you can search the wayback machine?
Here is one snapshot example
I do have a lot of saved data in my newsreader archive, could possibly be used as a base for creating an archive (but only those sub-forums I regularly updated of course)...
Thanks for the hint, found:

But it seems that only the thread lists page were archived there, if you click on any post tile, you get a dead link.

example 2:

**update**: same for the snapshot you posted:

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