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IWDBGrid Not Populating Correctly
I am new to IntraWeb and thought I was making out nicely with a test application.  [font=Whitney, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]I have a TIWDBGrid component linked to a datasource linked to a query which displays data perfectly as long as I do not define any columns and let the grid handle itself. As soon as I define columns (which I need to do in order to make one of them a link, change titles, etc.) I get the right number of rows displaying, but NO DATA.

The attached screenshot contains two IWDBGrids.  Both have the datasource set to the same thing at run-time.  The first has two columns defined with valid field names, the second has no column definition at all.  Both display the same (correct) number of rows, but only the second one populates each row with data??


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Can you please send me your test case source code? My email is alexandre [at] atozed dot com
(11-02-2020, 09:51 AM)Alexandre Machado Wrote: Can you please send me your test case source code? My email is alexandre [at] atozed dot com

Thank you for your response. It turns out that something must have been bugged in my IntraWeb installation. I installed the latest build of 14 from your web site and it works perfectly!

I do an to have list my license for it though. Could you tell me how to restore that?
I didn't get it... were you using a different version before or you just restored the same version and it worked?
I was using the version that came with RadStudio 10.1 Berlin. I uninstalled that using the bundled version removal tool. I then installed the latest build of version 14 from the web site. It works great, but says it is in trial mode.
Have you reinstalled your license key?

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