12-17-2018, 02:11 PM
I have just done a clean install of Delphi Rio and Delphi Tokyo on a new PC. Installing Indy on Rio went fine. However when I tried to install it on Tokyo I got the 'Required package rtl not found' error. As far as I can see, the paths and environments are the same for both installations (barring expected 19.0 / 20.0 differences). Rio is installed as 32 & 64 bit, Tokyo as just 32 bit.
Does anyone have any ideas why Rio can find RTL but Tokyo cannot?
The reason for the dual installation that some components I rely on are not yet available for Rio - but I only found that out once I had nearly finished installing everything else. So ten I started installing Tokyo as well
Does anyone have any ideas why Rio can find RTL but Tokyo cannot?
The reason for the dual installation that some components I rely on are not yet available for Rio - but I only found that out once I had nearly finished installing everything else. So ten I started installing Tokyo as well