(07-23-2018, 12:38 AM)ccy Wrote: Hi,
I learned that IWML (IntraWeb Markup Language) is plan on IntraWeb 17.
I personally feel that re-inventing some kind of proprietary markup language isn't a wise move for IntraWeb. It will lead to long term maintenance issue and become a nightmare for IntraWeb developer.
Hi ccy. I first thought the same, but looking in the future for Intraweb, is the best. But first I need to explain you something.
* IWML is not a language that the developer needs to learn to work with intraweb, neither the user. When you desing an Intraweb APP in iw17 you will design with the DFM designer always, and automatically it will be always synced with IWML internally.
Why IWML?, IWML wa sinteded to be used because XML was to Bulky and JSON too limited and complex to parse for advanced features.
IWML will be the langage that the IW17 Core will understand and render.
This couyld be a raw and stupid example but I once had that issue:
Some day I worked with a 'cool' 3rt BPM diagram designer library for delphi, the storage format was DFM, and it was made for dektop apps. So it worked ok, until we needed to run and design the BPM process via web. So do we have to create a new library for web that can read the DFM and write also? no way we dropped that option.
So IWML will let IW not only being used in Delphi and self generated apps, it will let you create addon for WordPress also, and this is possible because the core parser is not delphi Language, it is TypedScript. So Imagine the possibilities you will be able to use IW power for PHP, .NET, and many other options. And for Delphi it makes things a LOT faster too. So IWML will be just as propietary as the IW class Names. You will not need to know/manage IWML stuff unless you need to edit manually and create advanced components to take manual override of what you need to do with IW.
IWL will make also easier integatino with JS UI libs and Frameworks (JQuery, BootStrap, Angular, etc).