08-18-2019, 05:51 PM
the Intraweb Application Wizard creates by default a C++ project for the classic 32 bit Borland compiler,
but now the default compiler for Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.3.2 32 AND 64 bit is CLANG.
The classic 32 bit Borland compiler does not provide C++11 lamda function support,
therefore gsession functions like Excecute() and LookUp() probably can not be used with this compiler.
Turning off the classic 32 bit compiler creates an error message in IWInit.hpp
namespace Iwinit
extern Iwapplication::TIWApplication* __thread WebApplication;
the Intraweb Application Wizard creates by default a C++ project for the classic 32 bit Borland compiler,
but now the default compiler for Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.3.2 32 AND 64 bit is CLANG.
The classic 32 bit Borland compiler does not provide C++11 lamda function support,
therefore gsession functions like Excecute() and LookUp() probably can not be used with this compiler.
Turning off the classic 32 bit compiler creates an error message in IWInit.hpp
namespace Iwinit
extern Iwapplication::TIWApplication* __thread WebApplication;