What’s new
- IWChartJS
- Allows different types in same chart
- New properties XScale and YScale allows to set min/max values for axis and also create stacked bar charts
- Zoom, axis limits, and much more. Pan functionality has also been implemented but is not functional at this stage.
- New methods in IWCanvas and IWSignaturePad to allow image uploads in JPG format
- IWjQAccordion, IWjQGrid, IWjQDBGrid, IWjQPageControl, IWChartJS and IWSignaturePad will download required content files (all required JS and CSS files) directly into the wwwroot folder of the application when debugging inside Delphi/RAD Studio IDE, if RenderLocalFiles is set to true. It makes really easy to deploy required files when not using CDN
- Indy constant IdMaxLineLengthDefault increased to 256 kb by default. This avoids that user need to set this explicitly when working with images (e.g. IWCanvas and IWSignaturePad) in most applications.
Bug fixes
- Fixed JS error in IWSignaturePad (didn’t affect the working of the control)
- Do not insert duplicate JavaScript links into <SCRIPT> tags when rendering multiple controls which rely on an external content file