Within the content handler you have various information about the file, not only the temporary file name.
Here is the code form that example:
function TContentXML.Execute(aRequest: THttpRequest; aReply: THttpReply; const aPathname: string; aSession: TIWApplication;
aParams: TStrings): boolean;
xFile: THttpFile;
xml: string;
Result := False;
if aRequest.Files.Count = 1 then begin
xFile := THttpFile(aRequest.Files[0]);
xml := TIWTextFileReader.ReadAllText(xFile.TempPathName);
aReply.WriteString(ClassName + '.Execute - Content received: ' + xml);
Result := True;
These are the properties that you can get from the "xFile" variable above:
property FileName: TFileName;
property TempPathName: TFileName;
property ContentType: string;
property FileSize: Int64;
property FieldName: string;
property FileSize_WebApi: Int64;
property LastModified_WebApi: TDateTime;
property MIMEType_WebApi: string;
The _WebApi suffixed properties may or may not be available (it depends on the browser).