Seems every time I try and do ftp or email or whatever I never have the right version of the .dll's that match the version of Indy I'm using.
So I have Delphi 10.2 and I think Indy came with the DevArt SecureBridge product but can't be sure.
The Indy version is
I have libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll in the same folder as the .exe - their version is file version, product version 1.0.2u.
I have an TIdFtp component hooked to a TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL.
I can set UseTls to utUseImplicit Tls with no problem, but when I try and do .Connect I get "Could not load SSL library".
A comment in the code says this is usually due to the wrong .dll version - given my described environment above what is the correct version?
And if the version is correct, what am I missing with the components to correct this?
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.
So I have Delphi 10.2 and I think Indy came with the DevArt SecureBridge product but can't be sure.
The Indy version is
I have libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll in the same folder as the .exe - their version is file version, product version 1.0.2u.
I have an TIdFtp component hooked to a TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL.
I can set UseTls to utUseImplicit Tls with no problem, but when I try and do .Connect I get "Could not load SSL library".
A comment in the code says this is usually due to the wrong .dll version - given my described environment above what is the correct version?
And if the version is correct, what am I missing with the components to correct this?
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.