Hi All,
I am trying to open a site (some intranet) into an TIWUrlWindow, but I am not able to see it. Chrome console shows:
Refused to frame 'http://anhost.mydomain.com:8880/' because an ancestor violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "frame-ancestors 'self'".
Is that server refusing to be iFramed ? I already followed Jose Nilton's post about headers injection.
Thank You
Hmmm..... Does not makes sense tweaking IW side. Even turning off headers injection the error still the same, so it seems just their policy.....
I am trying to open a site (some intranet) into an TIWUrlWindow, but I am not able to see it. Chrome console shows:
Refused to frame 'http://anhost.mydomain.com:8880/' because an ancestor violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "frame-ancestors 'self'".
Is that server refusing to be iFramed ? I already followed Jose Nilton's post about headers injection.
void __fastcall TIWServerController::IWServerControllerBaseAfterDispatch(THttpRequest *Request,
THttpReply *aReply)
"default-src " + System::Sysutils::QuotedStr("self") + " http: " + System::Sysutils::QuotedStr("unsafe-inline") + " " + System::Sysutils::QuotedStr("unsafe-eval") + "; " +
"frame-src " + System::Sysutils::QuotedStr("self") + " http: " + System::Sysutils::QuotedStr("unsafe-inline") + " " + System::Sysutils::QuotedStr("unsafe-eval") + "; " +
"script-src " + System::Sysutils::QuotedStr("self") + " http: " + System::Sysutils::QuotedStr("unsafe-inline") + " " + System::Sysutils::QuotedStr("unsafe-eval") + "; " +
"style-src " + System::Sysutils::QuotedStr("self") + " http: " + System::Sysutils::QuotedStr("unsafe-inline") + "; " +
"img-src " + System::Sysutils::QuotedStr("self") + " http: data:; " +
"object-src " + System::Sysutils::QuotedStr("self") + "; " +
"media-src " + System::Sysutils::QuotedStr("self") + " http:; " +
"frame-ancestors " + System::Sysutils::QuotedStr("self") + " http:; " +
"base-uri " + System::Sysutils::QuotedStr("self") + " http:");
aReply->AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
Thank You
Hmmm..... Does not makes sense tweaking IW side. Even turning off headers injection the error still the same, so it seems just their policy.....