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IW Bootstrap 4 example with working modal dialogs
Hi my previous projects where based on IW Bootstrap 3.  I have modal dialogs working there. This was with the help of the bootstrap demo.
For a new project I would like to use IW Bootstrap 4. Reason is an external party created a bootstrap 4 template I should use.
But I didn't succeed in creating an example using IWBS4. TIWBS4Modal is for example not registered in the IDE. Why? Should I use TIWBS4MoabDialog?
Does somebody have a working example?
I saw the other post about iwbs4 modal dialogs but here the example doesn't seem complete.
Are people active using the IWBS4 components in a project?
(10-12-2021, 08:35 PM)jeroen.rottink Wrote: Hi my previous projects where based on IW Bootstrap 3.  I have modal dialogs working there. This was with the help of the bootstrap demo.
For a new project I would like to use IW Bootstrap 4. Reason is an external party created a bootstrap 4 template I should use.
But I didn't succeed in creating an example using IWBS4. TIWBS4Modal is for example not registered in the IDE. Why? Should I use TIWBS4MoabDialog?
Does somebody have a working example?
I saw the other post about iwbs4 modal dialogs but here the example doesn't seem complete.
Are people active using the IWBS4 components in a project?


I manage to made a functional modal in bootstrap 4  with TIWBS4Moab and I posted my example in this forum. If it doesn't work for you, what kind of an error are you getting? 
Otherwise using bootstrap 4 with Intraweb is for me really like a nightmare because I'm getting a lot of issues and it's really hard to figure them out and as you said - there aren't any demos.

Kind regards,
I now have it working. I'll create an example this weekend (It's too late now) and post it here.
The basics:

  • TIWServerController.RenderAsyncEnabled := False;
  • Make sure the application has access to iwbs.js (include it in your template or otherways)

         TIWBS4 regions like modal-header, modal-body and modal-footer and controls

// create example
procedure TDlgMain.IWButton1AsyncClick(Sender: TObject; EventParams: TStringList);
var Dialog: TFrameModalTest;
  Dialog := TFrameModalTest.Create(Self);
  Dialog.Parent := Self;
// close button in dialog
procedure TFrameModalTest.btnCloseAsyncClick(Sender: TObject; EventParams: TStringList);
  IWFrameRegion.ModalVisible := False;
  // when IWFrameRegion.DestroyOnHide = True, the parent TFrame will be freed as well

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