Running IntraWeb 14.2.8 with Delphi 10.1.
We have the requirement to destroy the original cookie that was generated prior to authentication, and generate a new cookie after authentication. The genrated post-authentication cookie is different, however the difference is negligible, only the last character is changed (for example from ‘3’ to ‘8’). Each new cookie should be randomly generated so that values cannot be predicted.
In ServerController, CookieOptions are HttpOnly(true), SessionCookies(true) and UseCookies(true).
Is there a way in IntraWeb 14.2.8 to adjust the method used, to generate a more secure/unique cookie after authentication?
Thank you.
We have the requirement to destroy the original cookie that was generated prior to authentication, and generate a new cookie after authentication. The genrated post-authentication cookie is different, however the difference is negligible, only the last character is changed (for example from ‘3’ to ‘8’). Each new cookie should be randomly generated so that values cannot be predicted.
In ServerController, CookieOptions are HttpOnly(true), SessionCookies(true) and UseCookies(true).
Is there a way in IntraWeb 14.2.8 to adjust the method used, to generate a more secure/unique cookie after authentication?
Thank you.