11-26-2019, 03:29 PM
(11-25-2019, 08:58 PM)ShaneStump Wrote:(11-25-2019, 08:43 PM)kudzu Wrote: Content Handlers.... are you using them already?Howdy Big K!
function xxx.Execute(aRequest: THttpRequest; aReply: THttpReply;
const aPathname: string; aSession: TIWApplication; aParams: TStrings): Boolean;
if aRequest.CommandType = hcPost then begin
with TStreamReader.Create(aRequest.PostStream) do try
xJSON := ReadToEnd;
finally Free; end;
Thanks for answering.
I have using a TContentBase based handler and when my REST api handler's Execute() is called, I am trying to figure out how to extract the content from the body of the request.
The aRequest parameter does NOT have a PostStream parameter. I can't see how to retrieve the XML data I sent in the body of the initial request.
What am I missing?
Sorry that section of code I pulled was from Indy directly although inside of IntraWeb code.
For IntraWeb it does add it to the file list as you were already looking at. I will ask Alexandre to take a look and respond though as I know in some cases you have to take additional steps for certain types of contents.