11-11-2018, 09:31 PM
Howdy All!
I am trying to hook to a bootstrap region OnScroll event and then have it fired back to a C Builder OnEvent to let me know if the use has scrolled to the bottom of the window.
The problem is that I am obviously not calculating the scroll position with the right object in my javascript event. My question is how do I in a generic OnEvent() in javascript reference the object that the event is executed for (i.e. like the Delphi Sender object)?
Here is what I have:
1) In my form's OnCreate() event, I have the following code:
// this is the JavaScript function that we want to call.
// This function, in turn, will call IWForm2.DoMyAjaxFunc()
TStringList * pJS = new TStringList;
pJS->Add(L"function OnWindowScroll()");
pJS->Add(L" var myData;");
pJS->Add(L" if ($(this).scrollTop() + $(this).innerHeight() >= $(this)[0].scrollHeight - 20)");
pJS->Add(L" {");
pJS->Add(L" myData = 'eof = true';");
pJS->Add(L" }");
pJS->Add(L" else");
pJS->Add(L" {");
pJS->Add(L" myData = 'eof = false';");
pJS->Add(L" }");
pJS->Add(L"executeAjaxEvent(\"&data=\"+myData, null,\"" + UpperCase(Name) + L".OnWindowScroll\", false, null, false);");
pJS->Add(L"return true;}");
PageContext->ExtraHeader->Add ( UnicodeString().sprintf ( L"<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">%s</script>",
// If we want to call IWForm2.DoMyAjaxFunc, then we have to register it as a Callback
WebApplication->RegisterCallBack(UpperCase(Name) + L".OnWindowScroll",OnWindowScroll);
2) In a button OnAsyncClick event, I attach the above event to the region that I want to check the scrolling of:
// Create dialog
pTermsAndConditionsFrame_ = new TTermsAndConditionsDialogFrame(this);
pTermsAndConditionsFrame_->Name = L"TermsAndConditionsDialogFrame" + IntToStr((int) GetTickCount());
// Hook region's onscroll event...
pTermsAndConditionsFrame_->Parent = this;
3) The registered OnWindowScroll() is always called.
Thanks in advance,
I am trying to hook to a bootstrap region OnScroll event and then have it fired back to a C Builder OnEvent to let me know if the use has scrolled to the bottom of the window.
The problem is that I am obviously not calculating the scroll position with the right object in my javascript event. My question is how do I in a generic OnEvent() in javascript reference the object that the event is executed for (i.e. like the Delphi Sender object)?
Here is what I have:
1) In my form's OnCreate() event, I have the following code:
// this is the JavaScript function that we want to call.
// This function, in turn, will call IWForm2.DoMyAjaxFunc()
TStringList * pJS = new TStringList;
pJS->Add(L"function OnWindowScroll()");
pJS->Add(L" var myData;");
pJS->Add(L" if ($(this).scrollTop() + $(this).innerHeight() >= $(this)[0].scrollHeight - 20)");
pJS->Add(L" {");
pJS->Add(L" myData = 'eof = true';");
pJS->Add(L" }");
pJS->Add(L" else");
pJS->Add(L" {");
pJS->Add(L" myData = 'eof = false';");
pJS->Add(L" }");
pJS->Add(L"executeAjaxEvent(\"&data=\"+myData, null,\"" + UpperCase(Name) + L".OnWindowScroll\", false, null, false);");
pJS->Add(L"return true;}");
PageContext->ExtraHeader->Add ( UnicodeString().sprintf ( L"<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">%s</script>",
// If we want to call IWForm2.DoMyAjaxFunc, then we have to register it as a Callback
WebApplication->RegisterCallBack(UpperCase(Name) + L".OnWindowScroll",OnWindowScroll);
2) In a button OnAsyncClick event, I attach the above event to the region that I want to check the scrolling of:
// Create dialog
pTermsAndConditionsFrame_ = new TTermsAndConditionsDialogFrame(this);
pTermsAndConditionsFrame_->Name = L"TermsAndConditionsDialogFrame" + IntToStr((int) GetTickCount());
// Hook region's onscroll event...
pTermsAndConditionsFrame_->Parent = this;
3) The registered OnWindowScroll() is always called.
Thanks in advance,