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WebApplication.Sendfile doesn't work

Hi all, 

I use the WebApplication.Sendfile function on AsyncClick to download one csv File but this function sometimes doesn't work. 
On OnClick Event don't work, it loads and loads and never does download the file.
Can someone please explain me why it happen? What should I change to get the file normal download? 

What's your IW version?

What do you meand by "loads and loads"? Maybe you should try to disable LockUntilLoaded and LockOnSubmit of the file and see what happens.

Have you tried any demo that contains SendFile calls? They all work as expected
(06-29-2023, 03:54 AM)Alexandre Machado Wrote: What's your IW version?

What do you meand by "loads and loads"? Maybe you should try to disable LockUntilLoaded and LockOnSubmit of the file and see what happens.

Have you tried any demo that contains SendFile calls? They all work as expected

Thank you for your suggestion. I have defined both onclicks, via javascript and via program in OnAsyncClick. Via javascript I had window.reload and that was my mistake (it was to test hier and I have forgot it zu remove).. After the correction everything worked again. 

Have a nice day!

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