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Intraweb demos and documentations for C++ builder users (Priority user)
As a General remark, I would like to remind to Atozed that there are also C++ users like me!
All sample codes are for Delphi!
Which requires from our side to adapt for C++ Builder.
For example the new Async Callback functions:

For sure this cannot work for C++ Builder because if the linker cannot find the definition of the callback function declared in the header file, it will generates an error!

So, when Atozed build samples for Delphi users, it will be better to also build the same samples and documentations for C++ Builder users!
Yes, we are aware of that.

However, we also are aware that Delphi to C++ code conversion is, most of the time, trivial, which is not exactly true the other way around. Most C++ developers are able to understand Delphi code and write similar code in C++.

Given that the resources are limited, it's preferable to have a vast number of demos in one language used by the majority of the users, than having a limited number of demos written in 2 languages, given the fact that most of our demos shows some key, however limited, set of Intraweb functionality.
It is a general remark about having the same services!
I was already planning to drop Intraweb as a development tool since version 14!
I upgraded to Intraweb 15 because 14 was working poorly with Bootstrap!
Next year I will certainly migrate all my development environment to Microsoft Visual Studio! So, this will not longer be my concern!
I'm explaining how things are. Even ChatGPT should be able to translate 95% of relevant code in any Delphi demo that we have published to C++ Builder.

Most, if not all, 3rd party RAD Studio component vendors have their demos focused on Delphi with a very minimal, if any, C++ Builder demo, because it is assumed that any C++ Builder developer is able to read some Pascal code and understand the basics, well enough to port to their C++ application.

Anyway, good luck with your future endeavors.
(06-23-2023, 06:36 PM)valmeras Wrote: For sure this cannot work for C++ Builder because if the linker cannot find the definition of the callback function declared in the header file, it will generates an error!

Have you read Embarcadero's documentation yet?

How to Handle Delphi Anonymous Methods in C++


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