(11-26-2020, 05:17 AM)radek.secka Wrote: In Delphi 10.4 are AUTOREFCOUNT and NEXTGEN not defined
Correct, because Embarcadero has dropped support for ARC-based memory management of TObject on mobile platforms, and gone back to traditional 1-based string indexing by default on all platforms. So all NEXTGEN features have been disabled in 10.4.
(11-26-2020, 05:17 AM)radek.secka Wrote: therefore it is not possible IdGlobal to compile, because USE_OBJECT_ARC, DCC_NEXTGEN, HAS_MarshaledAString and USE_MARSHALLED_PTRS are not defined.
Those are conditionals that Indy defines for itself when compiled under a NEXTGEN compiler. The IdGlobal unit (and the rest of Indy in general) should compile just fine under non-NEXTGEN compilers without those conditionals defined. I know this, because:
- I develop Indy without having those conditionals defined (I don't do any mobile development, only Windows).
- 10.4 includes an up-to-date copy of Indy, which Embarcadero had to compile themselves for all supported platforms in order to include it in the 10.4 release. They did not come to me complaining about any compiler errors, or submitting any patches for such errors (which they usually do).
So, why do you think IdGlobal won't compile without the NEXTGEN conditionals being defined? Are you just making an assumption, or do you have actual proof (ie, a real compiler error)?