(11-23-2018, 12:51 PM)jobarb Wrote: I am getting this message "TGlyphBitmap :Unsupported Resourcetype: XPM Resource Name: DIS_ARROWRIGHT" when trying to set SASLMEchanisms on the idSMTP component in Lazarus
That can happen only when invoking the popup editor for the
SASLMechanisms property itself, and its image resources cannot be found. It should not happen when using the Object Inspector to manipulate the items of the
SASLMechanisms collection.
DIS_ARROWRIGHT is an image resource that Indy's popup editor Form does use (see
TfrmSASLListEditorVCL.FormCreate() and
TfrmSASLListEditorVCL.actAddUpdate() in Indy's
IdDsnSASLListEditorFormVCL.pas unit - the actual image resource is defined in
IdDsnSASLListEditorFormVCL.lrs using
LazarusResources.Add()). Perhaps you are not linking to the
.lrs file correctly when compiling Indy? I don't know, I'm not familiar with how resources work in Lazarus. I didn't write that portion of code for Indy.