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TIdHTTP, TIdCookieManager, accepting cookies
Thank you, Remy, for looking at this;
You are correct, it is the VAccept argument, sorry for typo.
And now is the most funny part of all this troubling exercise:
when I look at the .LOG file I see that my socket has made only 1 SEND and I know there's no way for that server to tell me the truth yet, so I saved contents of my memory stream into HTML file and open the file with 4 different browsers: MozilaFireFox, GoogleChrome, MS IE and MS Edge....... all 4 pages are different: Chrome says "cookies are blocked", Fox: "you need to enable JS", my fingers refuse to type
MS responses 'cause the server in question is Big Grin.

So, how in this universe am I suppose to translate the OneDrive for Business authentication and sign in paper from MS English to understandable C++/Delphi?
Any thoughts are very welcome.
Boba TC

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RE: TIdHTTP, TIdCookieManager, accepting cookies - by Boba TC - 04-04-2022, 10:28 PM

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