(04-10-2020, 09:18 PM)joceravolo Wrote: Now I get this message:
Need SASL mechanisms to login with it!!
That error message means that you set the TIdSMTP.AuthType property to satSASL, but you did not assign any TIdSASL-derived components (TIdSASLCRAMMD5, TIdSASLCRAMSHA1, TIdSASLDigest, TIdSASLLogin, etc) to the TIdSMTP.SASLMechanisms property, so TIdSMTP has not way to authenticate with the server.
Indy currently implements 2 SASLs that Yahoo and Gmail both support (last time I checked): LOGIN (handled by TIdSASLLogin, also handled by TIdSMTP.AuthType=satDefault) and PLAIN (TIdSASLPlain). Both of those SASLs are not secure unless SSL/TLS is used. Yahoo and Gmail also support various OAUTH SASLs, which are not currently implemented in Indy (but some experimental code has been written for them - contact me privately if you would like a copy). And Yahoo also supports another SASL named XYMCOOKIE, which I have never heard of before, and is proprietary to Yahoo (and thus not implemented by Indy).