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IWFileUploader SSL Negotiation failed (solved - mea culpa)
I have a webpage ( written in IW15 (Current Version, Delphi 10.2 and 10.3) where I use a file-uploader to allow customers uploading data. This worked well while I was using the IW application directly in the internet.

As I have quite some apps and pages, I use an apache server that splits requests to the apps and pages and I only have to apply the certificates there.

In case of apache talks to the IW application internally in plain http on port 888

ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /

I now discovered that upload no longer works, it fails with error "IWFileUploader1: SSL-Aushandlung fehlgeschlagen (translated: SSL Negotiation failed).

I have disabled SSL in the IW application and do not understand, why this is broken now. For strangre reasons the same error occurs if I directly access internally but not if I debug the app locally. Browser is always current Chrome.

Any Help is very appreciated.

Mea culpa - it had a totally different reason: In ione event of Uploader I send an email and I accidently removed the open-ssl-libs. So the send email was the root cause.
Thanks for the feedback! :-)

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