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TIWFrame in IntraWeb14 or 15

I'm a newbee in IW programming and so I started with IntraWeb14.
I want to make a form with a Menu on the left side and dependet dialogs or lists on the right side of the form.

Normaliy in CBuilder or Delphii I take a Panel on the left to place the menue in it and a frame on the right side for the depending content.

I read something about a component TIWFrame.
But I cannot find such a component in IntraWeb 14 to put it on a form and load the frames .
I search in the online doc, I make a textsearch on all hpp files , but I cannot find it.

Is is an old component and disabled in Version 14 ?
And what can I do, to create these simple app ?

You create frames from the main Delphi menu:

File -> New -> Other -> IntraWeb -> New Frame

After that you will have a nice ready to use frame and the associated unit.
(09-07-2023, 09:19 PM)Alexandre Machado Wrote: You create frames from the main Delphi menu:

File -> New -> Other -> IntraWeb -> New Frame

After that you will have a nice ready to use frame and the associated unit.

thanks ... I try it and it seems to work.

I have to use the VLC Frame component to load the Frame and I'm looking for a IWComponent for this job.
Sometimes it's so simpel ...

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