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Is there max "complexity" on a web page?

I'm creating a very complex webpage in Intraweb 15.3.10. It creates houndreds of images och positions them on absolute positions on the web page. All this is mixed with a lot of component that are created runtime. 

My problem is the response is very unreliable. On a very fast computer it sometimes manages to display a proper webpage, but mostly it fails. Colours are wrong, components are missing, events on components dos not fire among other things. The result may vary depending on webbrowser and computer speed on client.

When checking the log I can see that the when the rendering is completed in the WebServer the client keeps on doing small updates on the screen for a long time.

When resizing the webpage i update the positions and sizes on all components to match the new webpage size, this operation often fails too. Positions are changed but does not get updated on screen for example.

Is there some "max limit" of the complexity that a webpage can handle? Can this be increased?

Best regards, Mikael
There is no hard coded limit for this in IntraWeb, but everything is limited.

Adding thousands of elements with complex positioning logic into one single page will make the browser struggle at each resize and redraw.

Imagine if you add 2000 images to a VCL form, they all aligned to right/left/top/whatever with different parents. The form usability will be basically garbage too especially while resizing. Redrawing a form would take forever.

Having said that, if there aren't any conflicts with naming it should just work regardless of the poor performance.

I have a test case with 500 checkboxes in one single page, each one with precise positioning, and the performance is more than acceptable (even though I don't recommend doing that).

In order to detect any issues with your example I'd need to have a reproducible test case.
I admit that I have never used Intraweb and I was wondering if it's easy and if it's well documented

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