01-27-2022, 09:19 PM
(01-27-2022, 12:21 PM)magosk Wrote: I have now focused a bit more on the shutdown problems (access violations etc.) I mentioned earlier (when running with http.sys rather than Indy). When I tested our main web application with IW 15.2.49 I saw no such problems, neither when run as a service nor when run as an application. But with our two other web applications I still had the issues when running as an application. As they share much code I tried to sort out the differences. I noticed that we had IWStartHSys (and previously IWStart) placed differently in the project uses clause. In the ones where I saw problems I had it pretty high up in the list of units, after IWJclDebug and IWJclStackTrace, whereas it was further down the list in the main web application. And when I move this unit down in the list, the shutdown problems seem to disappear. Do you have an explanation for this? Is it recommended to have the unit absolutely last in the uses list?
Best regards
Magnus Oskarsson
I'll run some tests and let you know. AVs shouldn't happen in either case