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new IntraWeb Telegram class demo
Hi guys,

here is a super cool demo. Nothing fancy on the surface but it is really nice how everything works together to get a lot done with 1 line of code!!!

You just need to build it, copy 2 OpenSSL DLLs to the same folder where the EXE is and have fun!

You can send messages from the demo application directly to our @IWTelegramComponent Telegram channel.

Imagine the possibilities:

For instance, you can create an exclusive Telegram channel for your application and let your customers send support questions/tickets. Or... you can automate reporting of exceptions and have an exception handler sending exceptions to your channel... usage statistics.. whatever!
The possibilities are unlimited!  Smile

Please let me know what you think!

BTW: Open SSL libs can be downloaded here:

I suggest:

Good idea!

Is it possible or planned to send a message to a specific phone number?

That would be the icing on the cake!
The way to success is always under construction ... but i see a light at the end of the tunnel  Idea Big Grin

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