I am running a program under httpsys and would like to turn on the SSL Options->NonSSLRequest so that it will redirect from non ssl to ssl. When I set the value to nsRedirect, it does not seem to redirect.
(09-15-2020, 03:04 PM)joelcc Wrote: I am running a program under httpsys and would like to turn on the SSL Options->NonSSLRequest so that it will redirect from non ssl to ssl. When I set the value to nsRedirect, it does not seem to redirect.
We are using iw 15.2.15
Does anyone know if the nsRedirect is supposed to work under an http.sys deployment?
We tested the nsRedirect with http.sys again today and it still throws the error "ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS".
I have attached a document with the instructions for our configuration, more detailed information of the error, and the link that you can click on to view the error.
I created a simple test case and got it working correctly with latest IW 15.2.18.
Please see the attached demo.
You actually don't need the ProxyPortRedirection to be active. ProxyPortRedirection exists if you want to redirect to a different port (Example, your server is active on port 8888 but there is an reverse proxy which listens o port 80 and forward the requests to your server on that port). Then you would like to inform IW to redirect anything to port 80 (instead of its own port 8888), so the address will be correct.
Once I got it working I haven't tested yet the ProxyPortRedirection to see if that's the cause of all the redirections... but anyway.
The issue turned out to be how we were calling the settings. Once we switched the settings to the onConfig instead of the onCreate of the server controller it worked.
Thanks for the help.
Possibly there needs to be an error that is thrown if these are set in the onCreate so no one else makes the same mistake.