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create grid columns at run time
hi dan

i attach project1 with the bug.

if you want i will attach it again

i already supplied the with small project.

i you want i will attach it again.

(07-17-2020, 11:08 AM)mazluta Wrote: very simple project.

add 2 columns to grid.
refresh / invalidate / render - nothing help.......

if i will do something like that in the VCL framework it would work....

any body have idea? is it always like this in intraweb?
is there any full documentation for any new components?
dose the demos are relevant to version ++

dose the demo for madexception working? in version

dose atozed have to respect some one how bought there components?

this is the same project with VCL ehlib components

procedure TForm12.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  DBGridEh1.Columns[0].Title.Caption := 'code';
  DBGridEh1.Columns[0].Visible := true;;
  DBGridEh1.Columns[1].Title.Caption := 'name';
  DBGridEh1.Columns[1].Visible := true;;

this is the code in intraweb
unit Unit1;


  Classes, SysUtils, IWAppForm, IWApplication, IWColor, IWTypes, IWCompButton,
  Vcl.Controls, IWVCLBaseControl, IWBaseControl, IWBaseHTMLControl, IWControl,
  IWjQGrid, Vcl.Forms, IWVCLBaseContainer, IWContainer, IWHTMLContainer,
  IWHTML40Container, IWRegion, IWCompLabel;

  TIWForm1 = class(TIWAppForm)
    IWRegion1: TIWRegion;
    IWjQGrid1: TIWjQGrid;
    IWButton1: TIWButton;
    IWLabel1: TIWLabel;
    procedure IWButton1Click(Sender: TObject);


{$R *.dfm}

procedure TIWForm1.IWButton1Click(Sender: TObject);
  TjQGridColumn(IWjQGrid1.Columns[0]).Title := 'code';
  TjQGridColumn(IWjQGrid1.Columns[0]).Visible := True;
  TjQGridColumn(IWjQGrid1.Columns[1]).Title := 'name';
  TjQGridColumn(IWjQGrid1.Columns[1]).Visible := True;

  IWjQGrid1.DoRefreshControl := true;


  IWLabel1.Caption := ' there are ' + IntToStr(IWjQGrid1.Columns.Count) + ' columns';




I'll have a look at the issue later today.
Have in mind 2 things: (1) jQIWGrid is new and as such (2) there are things that have not being implemented yet. If you've been following our announcements of new features in IW 15.2.x branch, you know that.

Whatever issue you may have, have in mind that AsyncRenderComponent() will never be the solution for it.
(07-19-2020, 08:53 PM)mazluta Wrote: hi dan

i attach project1 with the bug.

if you want i will attach it again

i already  supplied the with small project.

i you want i will attach it again.

No, I am not asking for another attachment.

I am just giving you some background on why samples are important, and a link to what they are asking for when it is needed.  You seemed to be upset earlier about the request for one, it is normal and needed.  The request was not directed at you personally, it is a normal way of working on issues.  Nobody has intended any offense.

so - what are we going to do tonight dan?
i have project to deliver.
some one convince me to think that IntraWeb is the best workspace for delphi in the market.
yes, my project is complicated, but i don't have to struggle with a framework with so much bugs.
if the iwjqgrid is not perfect dont publish it. simple.

when i create simple project - it work. in my complex project - no.
i am far away to deliver something. i spent more time and money then double to get what i have until now and i dont see the end.
> some one convince me to think that IntraWeb is the best workspace for delphi in the market.

Probably he/she had a good reason to thing that way. The fact that some things are not working for you as you expect doesn't invalidate that.

> yes, my project is complicated, but i don't have to struggle with a framework with so much bugs.

AFAIK you reported 2 issues. The AV in the other thread can't be recreated using latest 15.2.6 as I already responded there.
Have you tested? The demo project you attached there shows exactly the same issue as reported here, so I believe there is a single issue here.

>if the iwjqgrid is not perfect dont publish it. simple.

So you don't agree with agile process where incremental development is published? We think different and I'm sure that lots of IW users agree with that.

jQGrid is a *huge* JavaScript based control with a virtually infinite number of combinations

Creating a Delphi component around it that works perfectly in all possible scenarios, in 10+ different browsers, each one with several different versions, with all 15+ supported Delphi and C++ versions, x64 and x86, in a single development cycle may look simple to you but, believe me, it is not!

We prefer to develop and deliver it incrementally where our users can start using it as it is being developed and even ask for features that they feel that would be more useful.
Regarding the original jQGrid issue, it is already fixed in our code base. We will release a new update soon, after it passes our tests.

meanwhile I suggest that you test the AV you reported with latest IW 15.2.6. As I mentioned, I don't see any AV with the provided test case
(07-20-2020, 02:09 PM)Alexandre Machado Wrote: Regarding the original jQGrid issue, it is already fixed in our code base. We will release a new update soon, after it passes our tests.

meanwhile I suggest that you test the AV you reported with latest IW 15.2.6. As I mentioned, I don't see any AV with the provided test case
did you see the demo project with 2 grids and big data?

if i will give all the project - can you check the AV + rendering (button on other frame + link + css + tag ) + TEMPLATE + render Frame

this could be good test case for u

i will remove all unnecessary lines.

i can point you how to create those bugs
I also tested the 2 grids demo and it is working as well.
Please update to IW 15.2.7. This update fixes all reported jQGrid issues:

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