I have the component iwtemplate processor and html template. In html I <div id = "BACKGROUND" class = "container-fluid container-fullw bg-white no-border"> {% BSRightRegion%} </div>
to recall the rad component. In the form I have iwbootstrap components (3.4.1 and intraweb 15.1.4) (there are iwbsregion, iwbstext, iwbsbutton, iwbslist). When the form start (i have not written code i only assigned the template on iwproccessorhtml component) i have the following error
Error message: List index out of bounds (6)
This is the call stack
00120BD7) [00521BD7] IW.Common.StrLists.Common.Strlists.Error $ qqrx20System.UnicodeStringi (Line 346, "IW.Common.StrLists.pas" + 1) + $ 1B
(00120E59) [00521E59] IW.Common.StrLists.Common.Strlists.TIWMinStringList.Get (Line 434, "IW.Common.StrLists.pas" + 2) + $ 12
(0035356D) [0075456D] IWTemplateProcessorHTML.TIWTemplateProcessorHTML.ProcessControl (Line 925, "IWTemplateProcessorHTML.pas" + 28) + $ A
(00338348) [00739348] IWContainerLayout.TIWContainerLayout.ProcessControls (Line 159, "IWContainerLayout.pas" + 3) + $ F
(0037081F) [0077181F] IWForm.TIWForm.RenderComponents (Line 1490, "IWForm.pas" + 2) + $ D
(0036C6F7) [0076D6F7] IWForm.TIWForm.DoGenerateForm (Line 674, "IWForm.pas" + 107) + $ 18
(0038F551) [00790551] IWAppForm.TIWAppForm.DoGenerateForm (Line 114, "IWAppForm.pas" + 2) + $ 4
(00393A97) [00794A97] IWBaseForm.TIWBaseForm.GenerateForm (Line 373, "IWBaseForm.pas" + 4) + $ 5
(0039B0DB) [0079C0DB] IWApplication.TIWApplication.GenerateActiveForm (Line 1461, "IWApplication.pas" + 24) + $ 6
(0039ABD1) [0079BBD1] IWApplication.TIWApplication.ProcessForm (Line 1314, "IWApplication.pas" + 57) + $ 6
(003E0555) [007E1555] IWServerSession.TIWServerSession.ExecuteForm $ qqrv (Line 839, "IWServerSession.pas" + 11) + $ 9
(003E0027) [007E1027] IWServerSession.TIWServerSession.DoExecuteSession $ qqrx20System.UnicodeStringo (Line 745, "IWServerSession.pas" + 68) + $ 2
(003E03DD) [007E13DD] IWServerSession.TIWServerSession.ExecuteSession $ qqrx20System.UnicodeString (Line 809, "IWServerSession.pas" + 50) + $ 7
(003CEC56) [007CFC56] IWServer.TIWServer.ExecuteUrl (Line 678, "IWServer.pas" + 90) + $ 6
(003CF164) [007D0164] IWServer.TIWServer.Execute (Line 751, "IWServer.pas" + 17) + $ 6
(003DD0BF) [007DE0BF] IWServerSession.HttpExecute $ qqrpuci (Line 95, "IWServerSession.pas" + 2) + $ 3
(0045EDAE) [0085FDAE] IW.Server.HTTPIndy.Server.Httpindy.THTTPServerIndy.DoCommandGet (Line 239, "IW.Server.HTTPIndy.pas" + 26) + $ 19
(004414B9) [008424B9] InCustomHTTPServer.TInCustomHTTPServer.GetSessionFromCookie (Line 1559, "InCustomHTTPServer.pas" + 30) + $ 10
(00440F61) [00841F61] InCustomHTTPServer.TInCustomHTTPServer.DoExecute (Line 1427, "InCustomHTTPServer.pas" + 180) + $ F
(00418AE3) [00819AE3] InContext.TInContext.Run (Line 185, "InContext.pas" + 2) + $ 7
(0041767E) [0081867E] InTask.TInTask.DoRun (Line 136, "InTask.pas" + 0) + $ 2
(0042F22E) [0083022E] InThread.TInThreadWithTask.Run (Line 626, "InThread.pas" + 1) + $ 3
(0042EBD9) [0082FBD9] InThread.TInThread.Execute (Line 378, "InThread.pas" + 43) + $ 5
(000E0EFD) [004E1EFD] System.Classes.ThreadProc $ qqrxp22System.Classes.TThread (Line 15394, "System.Classes.pas" + 18) + $ 5
(0000A824) [0040B824] System.ThreadWrapper $ qqspv (Line 24941, "System.pas" + 45) + $ 0
There appears to be an error in the IW.Common.StrLists.pas unit.
Do you confirm it?
Thank you
to recall the rad component. In the form I have iwbootstrap components (3.4.1 and intraweb 15.1.4) (there are iwbsregion, iwbstext, iwbsbutton, iwbslist). When the form start (i have not written code i only assigned the template on iwproccessorhtml component) i have the following error
Error message: List index out of bounds (6)
This is the call stack
00120BD7) [00521BD7] IW.Common.StrLists.Common.Strlists.Error $ qqrx20System.UnicodeStringi (Line 346, "IW.Common.StrLists.pas" + 1) + $ 1B
(00120E59) [00521E59] IW.Common.StrLists.Common.Strlists.TIWMinStringList.Get (Line 434, "IW.Common.StrLists.pas" + 2) + $ 12
(0035356D) [0075456D] IWTemplateProcessorHTML.TIWTemplateProcessorHTML.ProcessControl (Line 925, "IWTemplateProcessorHTML.pas" + 28) + $ A
(00338348) [00739348] IWContainerLayout.TIWContainerLayout.ProcessControls (Line 159, "IWContainerLayout.pas" + 3) + $ F
(0037081F) [0077181F] IWForm.TIWForm.RenderComponents (Line 1490, "IWForm.pas" + 2) + $ D
(0036C6F7) [0076D6F7] IWForm.TIWForm.DoGenerateForm (Line 674, "IWForm.pas" + 107) + $ 18
(0038F551) [00790551] IWAppForm.TIWAppForm.DoGenerateForm (Line 114, "IWAppForm.pas" + 2) + $ 4
(00393A97) [00794A97] IWBaseForm.TIWBaseForm.GenerateForm (Line 373, "IWBaseForm.pas" + 4) + $ 5
(0039B0DB) [0079C0DB] IWApplication.TIWApplication.GenerateActiveForm (Line 1461, "IWApplication.pas" + 24) + $ 6
(0039ABD1) [0079BBD1] IWApplication.TIWApplication.ProcessForm (Line 1314, "IWApplication.pas" + 57) + $ 6
(003E0555) [007E1555] IWServerSession.TIWServerSession.ExecuteForm $ qqrv (Line 839, "IWServerSession.pas" + 11) + $ 9
(003E0027) [007E1027] IWServerSession.TIWServerSession.DoExecuteSession $ qqrx20System.UnicodeStringo (Line 745, "IWServerSession.pas" + 68) + $ 2
(003E03DD) [007E13DD] IWServerSession.TIWServerSession.ExecuteSession $ qqrx20System.UnicodeString (Line 809, "IWServerSession.pas" + 50) + $ 7
(003CEC56) [007CFC56] IWServer.TIWServer.ExecuteUrl (Line 678, "IWServer.pas" + 90) + $ 6
(003CF164) [007D0164] IWServer.TIWServer.Execute (Line 751, "IWServer.pas" + 17) + $ 6
(003DD0BF) [007DE0BF] IWServerSession.HttpExecute $ qqrpuci (Line 95, "IWServerSession.pas" + 2) + $ 3
(0045EDAE) [0085FDAE] IW.Server.HTTPIndy.Server.Httpindy.THTTPServerIndy.DoCommandGet (Line 239, "IW.Server.HTTPIndy.pas" + 26) + $ 19
(004414B9) [008424B9] InCustomHTTPServer.TInCustomHTTPServer.GetSessionFromCookie (Line 1559, "InCustomHTTPServer.pas" + 30) + $ 10
(00440F61) [00841F61] InCustomHTTPServer.TInCustomHTTPServer.DoExecute (Line 1427, "InCustomHTTPServer.pas" + 180) + $ F
(00418AE3) [00819AE3] InContext.TInContext.Run (Line 185, "InContext.pas" + 2) + $ 7
(0041767E) [0081867E] InTask.TInTask.DoRun (Line 136, "InTask.pas" + 0) + $ 2
(0042F22E) [0083022E] InThread.TInThreadWithTask.Run (Line 626, "InThread.pas" + 1) + $ 3
(0042EBD9) [0082FBD9] InThread.TInThread.Execute (Line 378, "InThread.pas" + 43) + $ 5
(000E0EFD) [004E1EFD] System.Classes.ThreadProc $ qqrxp22System.Classes.TThread (Line 15394, "System.Classes.pas" + 18) + $ 5
(0000A824) [0040B824] System.ThreadWrapper $ qqspv (Line 24941, "System.pas" + 45) + $ 0
There appears to be an error in the IW.Common.StrLists.pas unit.
Do you confirm it?
Thank you