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Intraweb instantly 'crashes' when above 340 users
Dear Alexandre,

Thank you for your response. We will try to speed up conversion to IW15 in Delphi 11. I will check also Http.sys, that I though was just in IW17, but good to know is in 15 too.
So, even we have proxy server above those IW services (we have 3 now), we will continue to use windows service, like you suggested.

About issue: So, limit of 340 active sessions, even some are dormant, is relative in time, because our server become busy at noon and evening.
As bandage, I move now, almost all access from server controller to user session (was some parameters loaded from a config file); what remains is just a write in exception log method, accessed thru critical section. I will check also other methods used, even is in user sessions, maybe is not thread safe. Also I limit the session timeout to 30 min (was 2 hours; been an application model, users want to keep it open all day) and seems to help a little bit, getting less limit, but is just a bandage, not a solution.
As detail also, maybe is relevant, I use just few forms, login recover password and main form, all detail, edit forms are in fact frames, derived from TFrame) used with TIWModalWindow.
Question: Do you recommend any stress test tool for IW?

As suggestion, maybe, you can make in Autozed examples, a model of best practice with setup of server controller. That been mentioned I will show you my setup, that maybe you can comment and tell me if is incomplete or too much.

Self.BoundIP := config read bound IP
self.Port := config read port number
self.RestartExpiredSession := True;
self.AllowMultipleSessionsPerUser := false;

TIWSecurityOptionsAccess(Self.SecurityOptions).mCheckSameIP := False;
TIWSecurityOptionsAccess(Self.SecurityOptions).mCheckSameUA := true;
TIWSecurityOptionsAccess(Self.SecurityOptions).CheckFormId := true;
SecurityOptions.ShowSecurityErrorDetails := False;

{CookieOptions }
CookieOptions.SessionCookies := false;
CookieOptions.HttpOnly := true; // we use Proxy
CookieOptions.UseCookies := True;

Self.SessionTimeout := Config get 'SessionTimeout'
Self.FilesDir := Self.ContentPath + Config get 'SharedFilesDir'
Self.InternalFilesDir := Self.ContentPath + Config get 'SharedFilesDir'

self.JavaScriptOptions.AjaxErrorMode := emNone;
self.LogCommandEnabled := true;
self.LogSessionEvents := false;///used ony in test

{exception logger}
self.ExceptionLogger.RegisterIgnoreException(EUnknownBrowserException); {Unknown browser type}
self.ExceptionLogger.RegisterIgnoreException(EInvalidSession); {Invalid session}
self.ExceptionLogger.RegisterIgnoreException(EExpiredSession); {Expired session}
self.ExceptionLogger.RegisterIgnoreException(EIWNoSessionId); {No session ID}
self.ExceptionLogger.LogType := ltFile; // ltEventLog;
self.ExceptionLogger.FilePath := Self.ContentPath + 'Exceptions\';
self.ExceptionLogger.FileName := 'Exceptions.log';
self.ExceptionLogger.PurgeAfterDays := 1;
self.ExceptionLogger.Enabled := True;

{cache path }
CacheDir := Self.ContentPath + 'Cache\';

Like I said, I want user to use only one session, been an application mode.

Thank you again for your help and support!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Intraweb instantly 'crashes' when above 340 users - by dabuzu - 12-03-2021, 09:39 AM

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