11-28-2021, 07:32 AM
(11-27-2021, 09:32 PM)Alexandre Machado Wrote: Can you please copy and paste here the call stack of the exception? If you are unsure how to do it: when the exception happens, click "Break", go to View -> Debug Windows -> Call stack, and copy everything you see there
Also, seems that you are using C++ Builder, right? Can you please tell me what version is that?
I Thank You for your answer.
I use c++ Builder RAD studio XE3.
:00a0ba50 System::__linkproc__ UStrAsg + 0x4
:01261146 ; TIWCGCustomRegion
:00983a1d ; ReadComponent
:00983cce ; ReadDataInner
:00983c0d ; ReadData
:0098fab6 System::Classes::TComponent::ReadState + 0x6
:00984b5e ; ReadRootComponent
:0097ecbf ; ReadComponent
:00c29d54 ; _16403
:00c29de2 ; _16404
:00c29e22 Iwbaseform::_16405 + 0x1A
:00c2a032 ; TIWBaseForm
:0066FCC8 Iwbasehtmlform::TIWBaseHTMLForm::TIWBaseHTMLForm(this=:08D8E8F0, AOwner=:05D0D710)
:0066FC14 Iwform::TIWForm::TIWForm(this=:08D8E8F0, AOwner=:05D0D710)
:0066F740 Iwappform::TIWAppForm::TIWAppForm(this=:08D8E8F0, AOwner=:05D0D710)
:00697D6B TfiwLogin::TfiwLogin(this=:08D8E8F0, Owner=:05D0D710)
:00c302e1 ; CreateAndShowDefaultPage
:00be95c3 ; _16429
:00b75061 ; ExecuteUrl
:00b75569 ; Execute
:00be639c Iwserversession::HttpExecute + 0x2C
:00b7a33e ; DoCommandGet
:00c53cad ; DoExecute
:00c46822 Incontext::TInContext::Run + 0x12
:01421f4d Madexcept::_17437 + 0x2D
:0098df15 ; _17936
:00a0b51e System::_17323 + 0x2A
:01421e33 Madexcept::_17435 + 0xF
:01421e9b ; _17436
:76bffa29 KERNEL32.BaseThreadInitThunk + 0x19
:77077a9e ; ntdll.dll
:77077a6e ntdll.RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath + 0xee
I attached also some screen-shots.
Best Regards
Francesco Sgaravatti