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Sending email to 365 server
Did you verify with a packet sniffer, like Wireshark, that Indy is actually connecting to port 587, and is attempting to use TLS 1.2?
[ZSL] I will with WireShark later today

Which version of the OpenSSL DLLs are you using?
[ZSL] openssl-1.0.2u-x64_86-win64

On which line of code does the error happen on?
[ZSL] error at "idSMTP1.Connect;"

What does the call stack look like when the error happens?
[ZSL] Callstack:
main thread ($30ac):
0068b8cb +073 Prj2.exe IdStack 929 +54 TIdStack.RaiseSocketError
0068b852 +016 Prj2.exe IdStack 852 +1 TIdStack.RaiseLastSocketError
0068b7bd +015 Prj2.exe IdStack 826 +2 TIdStack.CheckForSocketError
006879b4 +0b0 Prj2.exe IdStackWindows 2026 +20 TIdStackWindows.Connect
0069f351 +02d Prj2.exe IdSocketHandle 295 +1 TIdSocketHandle.Connect
006aa38d +1cd Prj2.exe IdIOHandlerStack 349 +52 TIdIOHandlerStack.ConnectClient
006eab2d +031 Prj2.exe IdSSLOpenSSL 2764 +8 TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL.ConnectClient
006ad9bb +063 Prj2.exe IdIOHandlerSocket 369 +13 TIdIOHandlerSocket.Open
006eac3f +007 Prj2.exe IdSSLOpenSSL 2800 +1 TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL.Open
006a963c +258 Prj2.exe IdTCPClient 327 +54 TIdTCPClientCustom.Connect
006b3ac4 +0a4 Prj2.exe IdExplicitTLSClientServerBase 257 +23 TIdExplicitTLSClient.Connect
006d116b +017 Prj2.exe IdSMTP 377 +2 TIdSMTP.Connect
006eecc1 +125 Prj2.exe Unit1 59 +21 TForm1.Button1Click
005af1ff +073 Prj2.exe Vcl.Controls 7536 +9 TControl.Click
005c6af6 +01e Prj2.exe Vcl.StdCtrls 5470 +3 TCustomButton.Click
005c760c +00c Prj2.exe Vcl.StdCtrls 5931 +1 TCustomButton.CNCommand
005aeca6 +2be Prj2.exe Vcl.Controls 7420 +91 TControl.WndProc
005b375b +63b Prj2.exe Vcl.Controls 10278 +166 TWinControl.WndProc
005c67a0 +06c Prj2.exe Vcl.StdCtrls 5307 +13 TButtonControl.WndProc
005ae8e0 +024 Prj2.exe Vcl.Controls 7198 +10 TControl.Perform
005b38bf +023 Prj2.exe Vcl.Controls 10347 +12 DoControlMsg
005b4343 +00b Prj2.exe Vcl.Controls 10622 +1 TWinControl.WMCommand
006580b9 +045 Prj2.exe Vcl.Forms 6488 +6 TCustomForm.WMCommand
005aeca6 +2be Prj2.exe Vcl.Controls 7420 +91 TControl.WndProc
005b375b +63b Prj2.exe Vcl.Controls 10278 +166 TWinControl.WndProc
00654d39 +64d Prj2.exe Vcl.Forms 4652 +209 TCustomForm.WndProc
005b2d28 +02c Prj2.exe Vcl.Controls 9977 +3 TWinControl.MainWndProc
004e9b08 +014 Prj2.exe System.Classes 17956 +8 StdWndProc
75e743fe +11e USER32.dll SendMessageW
75e744da +07a USER32.dll CallWindowProcW
005b386a +0e6 Prj2.exe Vcl.Controls 10319 +30 TWinControl.DefaultHandler
005af64c +010 Prj2.exe Vcl.Controls 7669 +1 TControl.WMLButtonUp
005aeca6 +2be Prj2.exe Vcl.Controls 7420 +91 TControl.WndProc
005b375b +63b Prj2.exe Vcl.Controls 10278 +166 TWinControl.WndProc
005c67a0 +06c Prj2.exe Vcl.StdCtrls 5307 +13 TButtonControl.WndProc
005b2d28 +02c Prj2.exe Vcl.Controls 9977 +3 TWinControl.MainWndProc
004e9b08 +014 Prj2.exe System.Classes 17956 +8 StdWndProc
75e73ebb +00b USER32.dll DispatchMessageW
0065e727 +0f3 Prj2.exe Vcl.Forms 10747 +23 TApplication.ProcessMessage
0065e76a +00a Prj2.exe Vcl.Forms 10777 +1 TApplication.HandleMessage
0065ea9d +0c9 Prj2.exe Vcl.Forms 10915 +26 TApplication.Run
006fb3fd +049 Prj2.exe Prj2 14 +4 initialization
75d36357 +017 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk

How long does it take to time out? TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL does use a 30 second timeout on Windows Vista+ if its ReadTimeout property is <= 0 (which it is by default).
[ZSL] after about 30 seconds

Messages In This Thread
Sending email to 365 server - by zsleo - 04-22-2020, 06:43 AM
RE: Sending email to 365 server - by rlebeau - 04-22-2020, 05:50 PM
RE: Sending email to 365 server - by zsleo - 04-22-2020, 11:07 PM
RE: Sending email to 365 server - by rlebeau - 04-23-2020, 12:53 AM
RE: Sending email to 365 server - by zsleo - 04-24-2020, 04:21 AM

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