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Form resizing
Hi again,

I have managed to optimize my code which then present a new problem with regards to FormResizing:

The FormResizing event is fired multiple times while dragging or pulling the form, meaning my code with relation to resizing is executed multiple times. Is there a way to delay the event firing until the final size is reached, so that the event is only fired once at the end of the resize operation. Recording the sizes (height and Width) at the resizing time, it seems as if the event is fired for every 16 pixels the width is changed. I have not checked the height yet...

UPDATE: The event i definitely fired for every 16 pixels the width is changed, especially when going from larger to smaller while when the other way (smaller to larger) the event is only fired once (it seems).


Messages In This Thread
Form resizing - by SorenJensen - 12-06-2019, 08:40 AM
RE: Form resizing - by Jose Nilton Pace - 12-06-2019, 12:26 PM
RE: Form resizing - by SorenJensen - 12-11-2019, 11:32 AM
RE: Form resizing - by SorenJensen - 12-18-2019, 05:02 PM
RE: Form resizing - by Alexandre Machado - 12-28-2019, 04:06 PM
RE: Form resizing - by SorenJensen - 12-31-2019, 09:58 AM

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