11-25-2019, 08:43 PM
Content Handlers.... are you using them already?
function xxx.Execute(aRequest: THttpRequest; aReply: THttpReply;
const aPathname: string; aSession: TIWApplication; aParams: TStrings): Boolean;
if aRequest.CommandType = hcPost then begin
with TStreamReader.Create(aRequest.PostStream) do try
xJSON := ReadToEnd;
finally Free; end;
function xxx.Execute(aRequest: THttpRequest; aReply: THttpReply;
const aPathname: string; aSession: TIWApplication; aParams: TStrings): Boolean;
if aRequest.CommandType = hcPost then begin
with TStreamReader.Create(aRequest.PostStream) do try
xJSON := ReadToEnd;
finally Free; end;