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Blank page in Delphi 10.2 and IW14 2.8
Hi all,
After 1 month working with/fighting to Kaspersky, I have a solution for the 2 points:
1) Installation. They recognize ther is a "false positive" and they will fix via DB (i don't know if is fixed now; i have an exception for this program)
2) Run of code. The solution is to modify the configuration to avoid traffic control in local address/port. I copy the official procedure:
"1. Abrir Kaspersky y navegar a Configuración -> Protección -> Control de aplicaciones -> Administras aplicaciones
2. Encontrar los navegadores instalados -> Expandir las carpetas desplegable de cada uno -> clic derecho en el primer de ellos -> Detalles y reglas -> Exclusiones
3. Marcar las casillas "No analizar todo el tráfico", "Solo para direcciones IP especificadas:" (poner y "Solo para puertos especificados:" (y poner el puerto)
4. Reiniciar el ordenador y volver a comprobar el problema.
solution is in spanish, but I think there will be easily understood.
I've checked the solution, and it works.

Best regards,

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RE: Blank page in Delphi 10.2 and IW14 2.8 - by - 12-13-2018, 11:09 AM

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