01-29-2021, 09:07 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-29-2021, 05:53 PM by ZGabrovski@gmail.com.)
I had a serious problem with iconv encoding library on Android 10 application developed with LAMW and Indy.
I received SIGEGV Exception with backtrace:
01-28 16:05:24.303 2648 2648 F DEBUG : signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x0
01-28 16:05:24.303 2648 2648 F DEBUG : Cause: null pointer dereference
01-28 16:05:24.303 2648 2648 F DEBUG : r0 e9595fb4 r1 00000000 r2 00000000 r3 00000000
01-28 16:05:24.303 2648 2648 F DEBUG : r4 e9595f80 r5 ecc07048 r6 ed0fb200 r7 ed0fb200
01-28 16:05:24.303 2648 2648 F DEBUG : r8 c4e2efe8 r9 ed0f3160 r10 c4e093bc r11 c38b871c
01-28 16:05:24.303 2648 2648 F DEBUG : ip c38b86bc sp c38b8600 lr c4d8b850 pc efe3a950
01-28 16:05:24.309 2648 2648 F DEBUG :
01-28 16:05:24.309 2648 2648 F DEBUG : backtrace:
01-28 16:05:24.309 2648 2648 F DEBUG : #00 pc 00066950 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib/bionic/libc.so (iconv+36) (BuildId: dcf0e174e93e33d22f35a631ba9c0de5)
01-28 16:05:24.309 2648 2648 F DEBUG : #01 pc 0010284c /data/app/org.teamlooktools.teamlookmobile-s_uRfmpjft4VcskmjhvlvQ==/lib/arm/libcontrols.so (BuildId: d24f8df194618599d7a0a2d459ad6f929a806d9b)
I recompile the libiconv.so library, but the problem still exists.
On Android 8-9 everything is OK.
So, I took a decision to try to eliminate libiconv dependancy form indy code.
Please, find attached here the changes
In short: I made a change in Idcompilerdefines with which in case of compilation for android under FPC I define USE_LCONVENC . In Idglobals.pas instead of iconv I use unit lconvencoding.
in a method
I do conversion in new way using lconvencoding:
the similar in other method
I use:
instead of iconv.
PLease, may I kindly ask you who wants to test if everything is OK?
Edit: Now it works fine for my application. I update the files attached.
The problem under Android 10 disappear.
I received SIGEGV Exception with backtrace:
01-28 16:05:24.303 2648 2648 F DEBUG : signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x0
01-28 16:05:24.303 2648 2648 F DEBUG : Cause: null pointer dereference
01-28 16:05:24.303 2648 2648 F DEBUG : r0 e9595fb4 r1 00000000 r2 00000000 r3 00000000
01-28 16:05:24.303 2648 2648 F DEBUG : r4 e9595f80 r5 ecc07048 r6 ed0fb200 r7 ed0fb200
01-28 16:05:24.303 2648 2648 F DEBUG : r8 c4e2efe8 r9 ed0f3160 r10 c4e093bc r11 c38b871c
01-28 16:05:24.303 2648 2648 F DEBUG : ip c38b86bc sp c38b8600 lr c4d8b850 pc efe3a950
01-28 16:05:24.309 2648 2648 F DEBUG :
01-28 16:05:24.309 2648 2648 F DEBUG : backtrace:
01-28 16:05:24.309 2648 2648 F DEBUG : #00 pc 00066950 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib/bionic/libc.so (iconv+36) (BuildId: dcf0e174e93e33d22f35a631ba9c0de5)
01-28 16:05:24.309 2648 2648 F DEBUG : #01 pc 0010284c /data/app/org.teamlooktools.teamlookmobile-s_uRfmpjft4VcskmjhvlvQ==/lib/arm/libcontrols.so (BuildId: d24f8df194618599d7a0a2d459ad6f929a806d9b)
I recompile the libiconv.so library, but the problem still exists.
On Android 8-9 everything is OK.
So, I took a decision to try to eliminate libiconv dependancy form indy code.
Please, find attached here the changes
In short: I made a change in Idcompilerdefines with which in case of compilation for android under FPC I define USE_LCONVENC . In Idglobals.pas instead of iconv I use unit lconvencoding.
in a method
unction DoIconvBytesToChars(const ACharset: string; const ABytes: PByte; AByteCount: Integer;
AChars: PWideChar; ACharCount: Integer; AMaxCharSize: Integer; ACharsIsTemp: Boolean): Integer;
AData := StrPas( pChar( ABytes ));
OutP := UTF8Decode( ConvertEncodingToUTF8( AData, ACharSet, Done ) );
Result := 0;
if not Done then
OutP := AData;
fStr := Copy(OutP,1, ACharCount);
Len := length( fStr );
Move(fStr[1], AChars^, Len*sizeof(WideChar));
Result := Length( OutP );
the similar in other method
function DoIconvCharsToBytes(const ACharset: string; AChars: PIdWideChar; ACharCount: Integer;
ABytes: PByte; AByteCount: Integer; ABytesIsTemp: Boolean): Integer;
I use:
AData := AChars;
OutP := ConvertEncodingFromUTF8( AData, ACharSet, Done );
Result := 0;
if Done then begin
Result := Length( OutP );
Move( Outp[ 1 ], ABytes^, AByteCount );
Result := Length( AData );
Move( AData[ 1 ], ABytes^, AByteCount );
instead of iconv.
PLease, may I kindly ask you who wants to test if everything is OK?
Edit: Now it works fine for my application. I update the files attached.
The problem under Android 10 disappear.