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Application does not load after installing 15.2.18

I just install IW 15.2.20 and I'm getting the same error.

I use Delphi Berlin Update 2.

The IW 15.2.10 is the one that is working fine for me.

The strangest thing for me is that the application does not execute the event OnNewSession from the ServerController.

Our projects use heavily the controls from TMS.

This is the DFM from the ServerController:
object IWServerController: TIWServerController
  OldCreateOrder = False
  AppName = 'SistemaPraxis'
  ComInitialization = ciMultiThreaded
  Description = 'Sistema Praxis'
  DisplayName = 'Sistema Praxis'
  ExceptionDisplayMode = smAjaxNotify
  HTMLHeaders.Strings = (
    '<meta charset="utf-8">'
      '<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale' +
    '<meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="ie=edge">')
  Port = 8897
  SSLOptions.SSLVersion = SSLv3
  SSLOptions.EnableACME = False
  Version = '15.2.20'
  ShowStartParams = False
  ExceptionLogger.ReportInfos = [riAppInfo, riExceptionInfo, riIWAppInfo, riStackTrace]
  ExceptionLogger.Enabled = True
  ExceptionLogger.PurgeAfterDays = 2
  CookieOptions.UseCookies = False
  HttpKeepAlive = True
  SecurityOptions.CorsOrigin = '*'
  SessionOptions.SessionTimeout = 240
  SessionOptions.RestartExpiredSession = True
  OnCloseSession = IWServerControllerBaseCloseSession
  OnConfig = IWServerControllerBaseConfig
  OnNewSession = IWServerControllerBaseNewSession
  OnMetaTag = IWServerControllerBaseMetaTag
  Height = 449
  Width = 823

Messages In This Thread
RE: Application does not load after installing 15.2.18 - by Rolphy Reyes - 11-10-2020, 02:49 PM

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