09-02-2020, 01:20 AM
Hi all,
I am using a subclass of TIdHttp to expose DoRequest function. I use it in a tool similar to Rest Debugger so what I want to achieve regardless of the code because I can't show it. But I am pretty sure you will get the idea.
I use this new class inside a thread so I can handle files downloads and uploads with progress bars correctly without blocking the UI, and I do all the necessary synchronizations with the UI. My only problem is client side exceptions for example when I do a request and the server is not running nothing happens at all. Nothing is shown in the memo or as dialog message. I understand that this behaviour is because I am executing the request inside a thread.
I want to catch any exception that was raised on the server with error code 500 inside a TMemo as long as any response message, and any exception that is not related to server side internal errors to be displayed normally in a dialog message box.
now this is not the actual code but it is similar:
I am using a subclass of TIdHttp to expose DoRequest function. I use it in a tool similar to Rest Debugger so what I want to achieve regardless of the code because I can't show it. But I am pretty sure you will get the idea.
I use this new class inside a thread so I can handle files downloads and uploads with progress bars correctly without blocking the UI, and I do all the necessary synchronizations with the UI. My only problem is client side exceptions for example when I do a request and the server is not running nothing happens at all. Nothing is shown in the memo or as dialog message. I understand that this behaviour is because I am executing the request inside a thread.
I want to catch any exception that was raised on the server with error code 500 inside a TMemo as long as any response message, and any exception that is not related to server side internal errors to be displayed normally in a dialog message box.
now this is not the actual code but it is similar:
__fastcall TIdHttpEx::TIdHttpEx(TComponent *Owner)
: TIdHTTP(Owner)
HTTPOptions = TIdHTTPOptions() >> hoWantProtocolErrorContent;
FHTTPBody.reset(new TIdHTTPBody);
FHTTPBody->IdHTTP = this;
FHasErrorResponse = false;
FRaiseExceptionOn500 = true;
FLastErrorResponse = "";
int __fastcall TIdHttpEx::DoExecute(String AMethod, String AURL, TStream* AResponseContent, TStream* ARequestContent)
FHasErrorResponse = false;
FLastErrorResponse = "";
if (FHTTPBody->RequestStream == nullptr && ARequestContent != nullptr)
FHTTPBody->RequestStream = ARequestContent;
if (FHTTPBody->ResponseStream == nullptr && AResponseContent != nullptr)
FHTTPBody->ResponseStream = AResponseContent;
if (FHTTPBody->ResponseStream == nullptr && AResponseContent == nullptr)
FHTTPBody->ResponseStream = new TMemoryStream;
DoRequest( AMethod, AURL, FHTTPBody->RequestStream, FHTTPBody->ResponseStream,nullptr,-1);
FResponseOk = (ResponseCode == 200);
if (FHTTPBody->ResponseStream != nullptr)
FHTTPBody->ResponseStream->Position = 0;
catch (const EIdHTTPProtocolException &E)
if (FRaiseExceptionOn500)
throw Exception(E.ErrorMessage);
FLastErrorResponse = E.ErrorMessage;
FHasErrorResponse = (FLastErrorResponse.Trim() != "");
catch (const Exception &E)
ShowException(&E, nullptr); //this do the trick but I don't know if it is the right thing to do