Hi Davide,
I use iwbootstrap and not iwbootstrap4 but think your problem is not related to the specific iwbootstrap version.
By default iw15.2.x has ServerController.RenderAsyncEnabled set to True. It's a public property to control the (new) iw async rendering.
This rendering is not compatible with iwbootstrap. iwbootstrap has it's own async rendering logic and both are not compatible.
Set ServerController.RenderAsyncEnabled to False to use iwbootstrap.
You can also turn it off on a form level: TIWForm.RenderAsyncEnabled.
Search this forum for more related information.
Maybe in the future the iwbootstrap rendering logic will be adapted to be compatible.
And yes you can use frames etc. I use following code to render a modal (tiwbsmodal) window.
var Dialog: TFrameSelectDocumentOutputDevice;
// setup dialog for the user
Dialog := TFrameSelectDocumentOutputDevice.Create(ParentForm);
Dialog.Name := IWBSGetUniqueComponentName(ParentForm, 'frame');
Dialog.Parent := ParentForm;
// <snip> other settings
Dialog.OnAsyncOK := HandleUserResponse;