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Conversion table Delphi to Intraweb components - Printable Version

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Conversion table Delphi to Intraweb components - SergioFeitoza - 09-10-2018

I am creating a simplified  converter to convert   VCL  forms with many components into Intraweb forms. Something like the good software MIDA but more simplified just to attend my own purposes. I am trying to find a table having in one column the VCL components (Delphi Seattle) and in another column the corresponding Intraweb columns. This is more or less the table which is in Mida converter but only the two coluns. Can you help me with this sending me a table in any format ?   The table can be sent to my private mail   Thank you in advance

The screens I need to convert are things like the attached and my intention is to use IW+ html/Bootstrap. The Mida converter is focused in pure IW conversion

RE: Conversion table Delphi to Intraweb components - kudzu - 09-10-2018

MIDA convertor is expandable and you can add more components to it.

Any such table would have to be manually constructed and would be time consuming. We can assist you though at any place that you have specific questions.

RE: Conversion table Delphi to Intraweb components - SergioFeitoza - 09-10-2018

Thank you Kudzu I bought Mida before and used it for some time . However the codes I am doing use also Bootstrap. I tried to use my previous bought Mida and could not do it.
In the last years in most of the times it was easier to develop a simpler tool by myself than to buy tools that are good but take a long time to understand them. I bought Mida, I bought MyDac and some others and at the end I did not use them.
The only one which worked well for me was Intraweb but using it with Bootstrap and Delphi but not alone. I did a course on this that worked. This was a good investment.
By the way , one hour ago I found in this site what I was looking for . The table is alost ready.Thank you again