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what's triggered on page resize, using TemplateProcessor? - Printable Version

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what's triggered on page resize, using TemplateProcessor? - iwuser - 02-27-2024

I'm using Templates, the page is responsive, but I have a control that is not. So, I have placed it on a Region, and so my region is now responsive and I was hoping to either have that control auto-resize with AlignClient, which it does not, or set that control's width to Region's width in some event - but now for the life of me, I cannot find any event that is triggered around that time that I can use.

Form events do not matter with Templates. Region's OnRender still has the original design sizes, so it's of no use. OnAlignPosition is never triggered.

Has anyone done that before?

RE: what's triggered on page resize, using TemplateProcessor? - iwuser - 02-28-2024


RE: what's triggered on page resize, using TemplateProcessor? - valmeras - 02-28-2024

I use templates in my application.
If you just want the component to resize on the template, put it directly on the template without a IWRegion. And set the dimension you want to resize to "auto". 
Example: {%ComponentName style="width: auto;"}
Or {%ComponentName style="width: 100%;"}
It depends how the components properties are setup
Don't forget to configure the parameters of StyleRenderOptions of the component correctly

RE: what's triggered on page resize, using TemplateProcessor? - iwuser - 02-29-2024

(02-28-2024, 07:28 PM)valmeras Wrote: I use templates in my application.
If you just want the component to resize on the template, put it directly on the template without a IWRegion. And set the dimension you want to resize to "auto". 
Example: {%ComponentName style="width: auto;"}
Or {%ComponentName style="width: 100%;"}
It depends how the components properties are setup
Don't forget to configure the parameters of StyleRenderOptions of the component correctly

Thanks, but in this case this unfortunately does not work: this is TMS Chart component and it creates an internal <IMG> tag inside it's outer one (which resizes just fine) and that has fixed width/height. I was hoping to set these programmatically, when the page is resized, but cannot find a suitable event ;-(