Hello everyone and support,
I have problem about use ICS Overbyte component on IntraWeb application.
About, I use TWSocket component of ICS for WebSocket client and it has error "Invalid argument (#10022 in WSAAsyncSelect)" when try to connect to WebSocket Server or try to send data to Websocket server.
Before, I ask to Delphipraxis ICS forum in this: link delphipraxis ics topic and Mr. François PIETTE who is created ICS compoent told me through the forum that:
Please guide me for fix this error for InraWeb application. Because, I try this component VCL applicaiton it's working normally.
I have problem about use ICS Overbyte component on IntraWeb application.
About, I use TWSocket component of ICS for WebSocket client and it has error "Invalid argument (#10022 in WSAAsyncSelect)" when try to connect to WebSocket Server or try to send data to Websocket server.
Before, I ask to Delphipraxis ICS forum in this: link delphipraxis ics topic and Mr. François PIETTE who is created ICS compoent told me through the forum that:
Quote:Now I'm convinced that this is an issue with IntraWeb. The test program has nothing to do with ICS. It only make use of the same fundamental Windows functions that ICS uses. If the test program doesn't work, then ICS won't work either.
I suggest you contact IntraWeb support with the test programs (Both VCL and IntraWeb) so that they can fix their code.
Please guide me for fix this error for InraWeb application. Because, I try this component VCL applicaiton it's working normally.