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Full Version: iw 14.2.7 sessions dont release
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hi, i use iw 14.2.7 and have a problems with sessions. for any reasson hang up my app and try from the button of server SA "Reset Sessions". but when try open the browser again and run my app in the server SA appear the sessions connections where i suppose reset with the button "Reset Sessions".

any solution please?

That would indicate your application is hung. The only option at that point would be to kill the application using Task Manager. Have you tried deploying as a service instead? How much memory do you have? What does the application look like in task manager when it hangs? CPU? Memory?
Most likely you have code that is causing threads to hang, or preventing their proper shut down. Try using the debugger and tracing the shutdown.
hi, the error that obtaing is "Session ID is invalid". i need know, is problem of lan conection or whats?.. in other lan the same application run ok.

I believe that means the session has expired. Have you checked your SessionTimeout value?

What URL are you using to start the application? It should be something like$/start
Hi does your users some time connect from cellphones or any cellular Data connection?. If it so, some time cell connections often change of IP dynamically, an one of IW server security is not allow a sessionID to connect from a different IP than the one originally was when it was created. Check IW server controller security options and set 'SecurityOptions.CheckSameIP' to false.
(04-11-2018, 04:21 PM)fduenas Wrote: [ -> ]Hi does your users some time connect from cellphones or any cellular Data connection?. If it so, some time cell connections often change of IP dynamically, an one of IW server security is not allow a sessionID to connect from a different IP than the one originally was when it was created. Check IW server controller  security options and set 'SecurityOptions.CheckSameIP' to false.

Adding to this, you will find that on mobile they sometimes do not respect IWForm.KeepAlive if the form is not active on the device (ex: user goes to another app).  

Holding out AJAX processing when inactive is going to be a "feature" <cough> of the device so not likely easy to work around.  If you guys know of a way around it, let me know.
