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Full Version: setting idtcpserver to false
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Why when i set tidtcpserver active property to false it does not disconnect all connected clients immediately ?
(12-09-2018, 06:44 PM)Madammar Wrote: [ -> ]Why when i set tidtcpserver active property to false it does not disconnect all connected clients immediately ?

It does, actually. It loops through the Contexts list closing every client socket that is currently connected.
i see the more clients it has the longer time it takes to disconnect , i just notice it took 4 minutes to disconnect 600 clients
(12-12-2018, 12:28 AM)Madammar Wrote: [ -> ]i see  the more clients it has the longer time it takes to disconnect , i just notice it took 4 minutes to disconnect 600 clients

Under normal conditions, it should not take that long to disconnect so many clients. On the other hand, TIdScheduler.TerminateAllYarns() does call Sleep(500) in a loop until the ActiveYarns list is empty, so worse case scenario it may take awhile if client threads are not terminating themselves in a timely manner.