Howdy All!
I am going to have to start rewriting my web module for the 3rd time in 10 years as things have changed a lot from a public customer's perspective.
Any how, I have decided this next go around to NOT use any third party UI components and just use what comes with the web framework to guarantee support / continuity.
Any how, as I wait for IW 17 and hopefully Boot Strap 4 components, I received an email from TMS Software about their new product Web Core:
It looks very, very interesting.
Could those of y'a;ll with more web knowledge than I (i.e almost all of you), please comment on how they see this comparing to IW 17?
Thanks in advance,
I will start saying that.... it is not a Delphi framework whatsoever! If much, it uses Delphi IDE (as it could use Visual Studio or Lazarus) to host a set of mock visual components and a pascal to javascript transpiler. The end result of your "application" is a bunch of html and javascript files which the Delphi compiler hasn't touched. To be honest it is far behind what SMS (another "I'm not Delphi but I pretend to be" web framework) has.
"Debugging in Pascal code via the browser"
Says it all for me.
(08-14-2018, 05:38 PM)ShaneStump Wrote: [ -> ]Howdy All!
I am going to have to start rewriting my web module for the 3rd time in 10 years as things have changed a lot from a public customer's perspective.
Any how, I have decided this next go around to NOT use any third party UI components and just use what comes with the web framework to guarantee support / continuity.
Any how, as I wait for IW 17 and hopefully Boot Strap 4 components, I received an email from TMS Software about their new product Web Core:
It looks very, very interesting.
Could those of y'a;ll with more web knowledge than I (i.e almost all of you), please comment on how they see this comparing to IW 17?
Thanks in advance,
Hi Shane. Well As long as I have seen thir demos, they always show something and in the reality is another stuff. The ending product is a lots html and Js application which will not be a real delphi server application. Most of the code will be on client side. So you will have to leanr debugging + the speed of javascript your server application will be a slug. Even SMS is better than that. A real Web application is one that servs UI visual stuuf in Browser but all proccess and calculation and other stuff will be done a Native Compiled App (for speed). Im not saying TMS webcore is a bad product, but not the one I will seek for a serous web application.
I'll finish saying that.... well... a small comparison:
Is Delphi Is not Delphi
Your code is Delphi Your code is some Pascal dialect (AFAIK compatible with Delphi 7, no generics and things you take for granted today)
Your application is Delphi You get HTML + JS files. I'm not sure the word "application" applies here
All your Delphi code work "There is a basic Object Pascal RTL". Maybe your code works, maybe not.
You debug in Delphi IDE You debug in the browser (more about this later)
Your IP is as secured as in Everything TMS Web generates as output cannot be protected
any Delphi app
It is *real* Delphi Just pretends to be Delphi
Quoted from pas2js Free Pascal Wiki (pas2js is the pascal to javascript transpiler used by TMS web), emphasis is mine:
The generated Javascript source code is of course visible and debuggable in the browser.
Moreover, the transpiler can generate a source map, which means that you will be able to see and debug the Pascal code in the browser. (not everything will work, but many things do. This depends on the browser too.)
Debugging in each browser is a DIFFERENT debugger as well. Works in Chrome but not iOS? Well break out the Opera debugger......
Howdy All!
First, thanks for the replies. Since I am a C++ programmer (and always will be), IW all the way but just was curious what others thought of TMS's latest idea.
To Alexandre and Kudzu .... is BootStrap 4 components going to be part of IW 17 soon? Just trying to get an idea what I will have to work with after I finish up some features in my main program.
Thanks all and have a great weekend!
Bootstrap and others are planned for 17. A LOT of users are using BS with 14 and 15. See the video I posted on the IW blog today.