11-11-2024, 06:11 AM
Without a lot of doco, everything becomes a problem. If these questions are already covered anywhere, can someone please point me there? -
1) I can see a new session created on every new request to a content handler, but at the same time, no cookie is being set. I would have thought the IW cookie should be set automatically to match the Session, so if a content handler is called 1,000 times, it would not leave 1,000 sessions behind. I'm creating content handlers with:
CanStartSession := True;
RequiresSessionStart := False;
Are there any tricks to it, or would session handling need to be coded from scratch, if needed? Because without this, what good are these ephemeral sessions anyway?
2) Also. can a handler be defined for a wildcard path, like /do/*? - to respond on both /do/this and /do/that?
Or defined for /do, so that requests for /do/something trigger it? - because from what I see, it's not happening.
Or can content handlers be released and recreated at runtime, i.e.: in a form event? - because I need to listen on a number of configurable paths, which may change from time to time and I would not want to restart the service every time this list changes.
3) There're AddRootHandler & AddStartHandler methods there as well. What do they do / what are they for?
1) I can see a new session created on every new request to a content handler, but at the same time, no cookie is being set. I would have thought the IW cookie should be set automatically to match the Session, so if a content handler is called 1,000 times, it would not leave 1,000 sessions behind. I'm creating content handlers with:
CanStartSession := True;
RequiresSessionStart := False;
Are there any tricks to it, or would session handling need to be coded from scratch, if needed? Because without this, what good are these ephemeral sessions anyway?
2) Also. can a handler be defined for a wildcard path, like /do/*? - to respond on both /do/this and /do/that?
Or defined for /do, so that requests for /do/something trigger it? - because from what I see, it's not happening.
Or can content handlers be released and recreated at runtime, i.e.: in a form event? - because I need to listen on a number of configurable paths, which may change from time to time and I would not want to restart the service every time this list changes.
3) There're AddRootHandler & AddStartHandler methods there as well. What do they do / what are they for?