Hi, Alexandre,
The comp LibDeflate method is now activated by default and causes an access violation right at startup without further informations.
After switching to compZLib it works again
I can confirm that the compression using an external LibDeflate Dll is working now in IW15.6.1 with C++Builder 12
(05-01-2024, 12:23 PM)JuergenS Wrote: [ -> ]I can confirm that the compression using an external LibDeflate Dll is working now in IW15.6.1 with C++Builder 12
How does it work? I'm using also C++ Builder 12 (IW 15.6.2)
ServerController.CompressorImplementation = compLibDeflate;
ServerController.Enabled = true;
ServerController.UseExternalLib = true;
IWLibDeflate32.dll is located in the application dir (...\Win32\Debug)
the log file says:
Could not initialize LibDeflate compression. Switching to zlib compression.
Does anyone have a tip for me?
(06-27-2024, 02:40 PM)JuergenS Wrote: [ -> ]This are my settings
Thank you very much. These are exactly my settings.
Is anything else necessary (LoadLibrary, Typelib)? The log still shows me:
Could not initialize LibDeflate compression. Switching to zlib compression.
Best regards
Witch are the pros and cons between UseExternalLin set to True and False?
(07-01-2024, 03:30 PM)Comograma Wrote: [ -> ]Witch are the pros and cons between UseExternalLin set to True and False?
C++ Builder only supports UseExternalLib = true.
I can't confirm this, I'm using the server with internal and external library.
(07-03-2024, 03:52 PM)JuergenS Wrote: [ -> ]I can't confirm this, I'm using the server with internal and external library.
...if I try
LibDeflate in C++ Builder (IW 15.6.2)
I suspect your application is not looking for the library where you think.