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Full Version: TBeforeExecuteHandler definition
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Hello, I cannot find anywhere the TBeforeExecuteHandlerProc definition.
I'm trying to use the TContentForm.Create(aFormClass: TIWAppFormClass; DoBeforeExecuteCallback: TBeforeExecuteHandlerProc = nil); reintroduce; overload;
I guess if I can use the DoBeforeExecuteCallback in order to invoke an action immediately after my TContentForm is created. I can use a different approach for my needs of course, but I would like to examine the TContentForm.Create methods in depth.
Thank you
it is declared in IW.Content.Base.pas unit:

TBeforeExecuteHandlerProc = procedure(Sender: TObject; var Continue: Boolean) of object;

and you are correct, it will be triggered while calling the inherited Execute method of the TContentBase class

Thank you very much Alexandre.