(03-19-2023, 06:16 AM)BartKindt Wrote: [ -> ]// BART
// Result := IOHandler.ReadLnRFC(LMsgEnd);
result := IOHandler.ReadLn; // Bart: I called ReadLn direct for testing, but not the problem.
TIdIOHandler.ReadLnRFC() simply calls
TIdIOHandler.ReadLn(), and then sets
LMsgEnd=True if the line is
'.', otherwise it sets
LMsgEnd=False and strips off the 1st
'.' if the line begins with
'..'. This is the decoding process for handling dot-transparency in emails.
(03-19-2023, 06:16 AM)BartKindt Wrote: [ -> ]And now: Where is the FInputBuffer data loaded? I may be blind but I do not see it.
The Stream is loaded into the IoHandler; But how is the FInputbuffer loaded??
Whenever a
TIdIOHandler reading method, such as
ReadLn(), needs bytes that are not already buffered in the
TIdIOHandler.ReadFromSource() is called to read whatever bytes are available from its data source and put them into the
InputBuffer, repeating as needed until the read operation can finish its work.
TIdIOHandler.ReadFromSource() calls
TIdIOHandler.ReadDataFromSource(), which
TIdIOHandlerStreamMsg overrides to read from its
function TIdIOHandlerStreamMsg.ReadDataFromSource(var VBuffer: TIdBytes): Integer;
LTerminator: String;
if not FTerminatorWasRead then
Result := inherited ReadDataFromSource(VBuffer);
function TIdIOHandlerStream.ReadDataFromSource(var VBuffer: TIdBytes): Integer;
// We dont want to read the whole stream in at a time. If its a big
// file will consume way too much memory by loading it all at once.
// So lets read it in chunks.
if Assigned(FReceiveStream) then begin
Result := IndyMin(32 * 1024, Length(VBuffer));
if Result > 0 then begin
Result := TIdStreamHelper.ReadBytes(FReceiveStream, VBuffer, Result);
end else begin
Result := 0;
class function TIdStreamHelperVCL.ReadBytes(const AStream: TStream; var VBytes: TIdBytes;
const ACount, AOffset: Integer): Integer;
LActual: Integer;
Result := 0;
if VBytes = nil then begin
SetLength(VBytes, 0);
//check that offset<length(buffer)? offset+count?
//is there a need for this to be called with an offset into a nil buffer?
LActual := ACount;
if LActual < 0 then begin
LActual := AStream.Size - AStream.Position;
//this prevents eg reading 0 bytes at Offset=10 from allocating memory
if LActual = 0 then begin
if Length(VBytes) < (AOffset+LActual) then begin
SetLength(VBytes, AOffset+LActual);
Result := AStream.Read(VBytes[AOffset], LActual);
So, in this case,
TIdMessage.LoadFromStream() creates a
TIdMessageClient with a
TIdIOHandlerStreamMsg as its
IOHandler, which reads data from the input
TStream. Thus, when
TIdMessageClient.ReceiveHeader() calls
IOHandler.ReadLn(), it will keep reading raw bytes from the
TStream until a
LF line break is read and buffered in the
InputBuffer, then it will extract the whole line from the
(03-19-2023, 06:16 AM)BartKindt Wrote: [ -> ]The FInputBuffer is only 5 bytes big.
TIdIOHandlerStreamMsg.ReadDataFromSource() fails to read from the
TStream, ie end-of-stream is reached, it will return a final email terminator (
<CRLF>.<CRLF>), just in case, which will force
TIdIOHandler.ReadLnRFC() to return
LMsgEnd=True if it hasn't already:
function TIdIOHandlerStreamMsg.ReadDataFromSource(var VBuffer: TIdBytes): Integer;
LTerminator: String;
if not FTerminatorWasRead then
Result := inherited ReadDataFromSource(VBuffer);
if Result > 0 then begin
FLastByteRecv := VBuffer[Result-1];
// determine whether the stream ended with a line
// break, adding an extra CR and/or LF if needed...
if (FLastByteRecv = Ord(LF)) then begin
// don't add an extra line break
LTerminator := '.' + EOL;
end else if (FLastByteRecv = Ord(CR)) then begin
// add extra LF
LTerminator := LF + '.' + EOL;
end else begin
// add extra CRLF
LTerminator := EOL + '.' + EOL;
FTerminatorWasRead := True;
// in theory, CopyTIdString() will write the string
// into the byte array using 1-byte characters even
// under DotNet where strings are usually Unicode
// instead of ASCII...
CopyTIdString(LTerminator, VBuffer, 0);
Result := Length(LTerminator);
end else begin
Result := 0;
(03-19-2023, 06:16 AM)BartKindt Wrote: [ -> ][12:18:34/555] D3: IdMessageClient.ProcessMessage...
[12:18:34/571] D3: IdIOHandler.ReadLn: FInputBuffer.Size=5
[12:18:34/571] D3: IdIOHandler.ReadLn: length(LResult)=2
[12:18:34/586] D3: IdIOHandler.ReadLn: Line okay
[12:18:34/586] D3: IdIOHandler.ReadLn: Result=
This implies that the very 1st call to
IOHandler.ReadLn() in
TIdMessageClient.ReceiveHeader() is failing to read any bytes at all from the
TStream, causing
TIdIOHanderStreamMsg to return its generated terminator (the 5 bytes you are logging), which
ReadLn() will then extract from the
InputBuffer up to the 1st
CRLF (the 2 bytes you are logging) and then strip off the
CRLF from the
Result (the blank string you are logging).
TIdMessageClient.ReceiveHeader() will then interpret that as end-of-headers, causing
TIdMessageClient.ReceiveHeaders() to exit so
TIdMessageClient.ProcessMessage() will then call
TIdMessageClient.ReceiveBody() next.
However, it is concerning that the input
TStream would fail to read any bytes at all, when it clearly has bytes available, according to your logging of its
Size. Any such failure would be happening outside of Indy's control.
Which goes right back to my original question to you 2 weeks ago - when you save a
TIdMessage to a
TStream and then load it back, are you remembering to reset the
TStream.Position back to 0 in between? If you are loading from a file instead, then that is a non-issue, since file streams always start at Position 0.
You will have to debug the
TStream itself to find out what is going on with it.
(03-19-2023, 06:16 AM)BartKindt Wrote: [ -> ][12:18:34/624] D3: IdIOHandler.ReadLn: FInputBuffer.Size=3
[12:18:34/624] D3: IdIOHandler.ReadLn: length(LResult)=3
[12:18:34/640] D3: IdIOHandler.ReadLn: Line okay
[12:18:34/640] D3: IdIOHandler.ReadLn: Result=.
This is from
TIdMessage.ReadBody() calling
IOHandler.ReadLn(), extracting the 2nd half of
TIdIOHandlerStreamMsg's generated terminator from the
InputBuffer, which
TIdMessageClient.ReceiveBody() will then interpret as end-of-message.